The Massive Halloween Rec Post Of Doom!

Oct 31, 2006 04:43

As a private detective, Veronica is used to going incognito to solve the case. Costumes are nothing new to her. However, there's a big difference between costumes...and Halloween costumes. In celebration of today, October 31st (yes, that would be Halloween :)), I offer you a heaping helping of Halloween goodness!

The Haunted by _emomuffin (Cassidy/Duncan; PG-13) (1x22)

Trick or Treat by drollicaeipathy (Logan/Veronica, Wallace, Mac, Cassidy; R) (1x01)

Devilish Charm by herowlness (Logan/Veronica; PG-13) (1x01) [Sequel: Who They Really Are (Logan/Veronica; PG-13) (1x01)]

Veronica and Her Pirate King by herowlness (Logan/Veronica; R) (1x22) [Sequel: Logan and His Pirate Queen (Logan/Veronica; R) (1x22)]

Needed by jaded_icy_rose (Logan/Veronica; NC-17) (2x02)

Costume Dreams by jaggedreality (Logan/Veronica; NC-17) (2x07)

Requesting a Fly-by by keepaofthecheez (Logan/Veronica; NC-17) (2x02)

Accismus by moire2 (Logan/Veronica; NC-17) (2x10)

Smoke 'Em if You Gotham by monimala (Veronica/Lamb; R) (3x02) *

Wing-Bird by onastick (Dick, Cassidy; PG-13) (1x20) *

Spice Up Your Life! by snoopypez (Duncan, Lilly, Logan, Veronica; PG) (1x01)

Sharing by them0rgue (Dick, Cassidy; PG-13) (2x03)

Semantics by truemyth (Logan/Veronica; NC-17) (2x05)

And while it's not Halloween fic, persay, I'd be remiss if I didn't throw in a little vampire fic, just for good measure:

Stranger in a Strange Land by boyfriendincoma (Logan, Veronica; R) (1x19)

Freakazoid by veni_veni_veni (Logan/Veronica, Dick, Wallace; R) (2x22) *

* previously recced


them0rgue, lilly, logan/veronica, logan, emomuffin, theme: holiday fic, jaded_icy_rose, truemyth, cassidy, drollicaeipathy, dick, veronica, wallace, herowlness, jaggedreality, lamb/veronica, mac, editor: sarah_p, veni_veni_veni, snoopypez, keepaofthecheez, boyfriendincoma, cassidy/duncan, moire2, monimala, duncan, onastick, lamb

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