3X01: Welcome Wagon

Oct 07, 2006 22:10

What better way to celebrate the long-awaited beginning of Season 3 than with fic!?! Yeah, I couldn't think of one, either. :)

Please read the warnings on these fics. All of them have spoilers (to one extent or another) for 3X01, but they also are tending toward the dark side, and may deal with things you'd rather not read about. That having been said, they're all fascinating, well written stories, and a great way to kick off a new season of fic.

Here's hoping there'll be a whole lot of fic to choose from in the coming months!

Dead by bittersweet_99 (Dick; PG-13) (3x01)
Pringles by bittersweet_99 (Dick, Mac; PG-13) (3x01)
Never Seem To Fit by inthesilentsea (Dick/Mac; R) (3x01)
Common Pleasure by mariannafic (Veronica/Logan, Dick; PG-13) (3x01)
On the Seventh Day, We Arrest by monimala (Veronica/Lamb; R) (3x01)

inthesilentsea, mariannafic, mac, logan/veronica, logan, lamb/veronica, theme: 3x01, bittersweet_99, monimala, editor: shealynn88, dick, dick/mac, lamb, veronica

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