This is my first post here at
vm_fic, and I’m afraid I’m already cheating a little bit. See, my particular fic kink is anything pertaining to “An Echolls Family Christmas”. AUs, stories that tie in canonically - it doesn’t matter. If it pertains to AEFC, chances are, I’m going to love it. Thus, I’m going to have to repeat a few stories that have already been recced here in the past, just for the sake of being comprehensive. However, there are some new recs included as well.
If you know of any others that I’ve missed, please link them in the comments, and I’ll buy you a pony. Seriously. AEFC fics are like cookies sprinkled with crack for me.
Snark Never Goes Out Of Fashion by
boyfriendincoma (Logan, Veronica; R) (1x10)
All the Trimmings by
_cuethepulse (Logan, Veronica; R) (1x10)
Silent Night by
marylane23 (Logan, Veronica; PG-13) (1x10)
Angels With Dirty Faces by
mutinousmuse (Logan, Veronica, ensemble; PG) (1x10)
Sweeten The Pot by
romanticalgirl (Logan/Veronica/Weevil; NC-17) (1x10)
Hollow You Out by
sinaddict (Duncan, Logan, Veronica; R) (1x10)
If Recollecting Were Forgetting by
__tiana__ (Logan/Veronica, Lilly; PG-13) (1x22)