Summerfic: Logan/Veronica-style

Sep 29, 2005 19:02

It was cold this morning, a portent of things to come. So, although the infinite possibilities of summer have collapsed into one defined canon, I'm somehow in the mood for Logan/Veronica summerfic. Go figure.

We are using our own skins for wallpaper by annakovsky (Logan/Veronica; R) (1x22)

How Veronica and Logan Got Their Groove Back by buffyx (Logan/Veronica; NC-17) (1x22)

your ex-lover is dead by passionflows (Logan/Veronica; PG-13) (1x22)

The Basic Concepts of Sweetness by sexycereal (Logan/Veronica; NC-17) (1x22)

Imprints by sophia_bee (Logan/Veronica; NC-17) (1x22)

theme: shipper fic, sophia_bee, logan/veronica, logan, annakovsky, buffyx, sexycereal, editor: soundingsea, veronica, passionflows

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