Hey there! I'm your friendly new co-mod,
buffyx. I'll be posting fic recs along with
soundingsea. I try to be an equal-opportunity reccer, since I will read pretty much anything and everything-- if you think I've missed an amazing fic here, feel free to drop me a line at: buffyxbvsb[at]hotmail.com, and I'll be more than willing to check it out.
Anyway, on to today's batch of recs. They contain spoilers through the indicated episodes.
1x18 - Weapons of Class Destruction
"Living is What Kills You" (Logan POV with Logan/Veronica; PG-13) by
idees_fixes 1x19 - Hot Dogs
"Tangled" (Veronica/Logan; R) by
jwynn "Oh My God! I Miss You" (Veronica/Logan; R) by
sexycereal 1x20 - M.A.D.
"Corresponding Shapes" (Duncan, Lilly, Veronica; PG-13) by
goddesspharo "Forgetting Things" (Veronica/Logan; PG) by
aspensnow "Veuve Clicquot and the Impossible Possibility of Departure" (Logan; PG-13) by
dearladydisdain Feel free to pimp this community to your friends!