One of the best things we can do for the show is get more viewers. There are a lot of ways to do that, but one of the best kinds of viewer is the sort of person who is already loyally devoted to another well-written and endangered show. If we help out Everwood fans, even in small ways, during this final week when they're trying to fight cancellation, then they will hopefully remember us next time we need their help. VM fans have a reputation as being somewhat pushy and offputting, and this may be our chance to help reverse that.
So, here's what you can do:
1. Sign Everwood petitions
here and
2. Write an email requesting Everwood be saved. Send it to and
This can be as simple as "I know you have had a lot of requests to do anything you can to bring Everwood to the CW next season. This is another one." You can talk about how bringing back Everwood would help the CW's reputation and how the fans would be an asset to the network. Basically, there's a ton you can say without knowing a thing about the show. You can even say that you didn't watch this year but you would watch if it came back next year.
3. Make it known that you, as a VM fan, helped out Everwood. Either post a comment here or comment on the
fanswap thread on the eonline forums. If there is a lot of crossover help, people will spread the word and our support will hopefully be remembered by Everwood fans when Veronica needs it (if not, we'll have a record, so we can remind them).
This might be crazy, but maybe it will work. We've certainly done crazier things, and this should only take a few minutes at most. Plus, if we were in their shoes (show cancelled, but last-minute talks about renewal just reopened) we would want to know someone had our backs. So let's have theirs.