Fic: Torn Apart (Logan/Veronica)

Apr 14, 2007 00:30

Title: Torn Apart 


Character/Pairing: Veronica/Logan, Piz, Parker, Mac, Weevil, Dick, Keith
Rating: R for language
Summary: Logan and Veronica both start dating other people.  Then something happens that could bring them 
closer together or tear them further apart?
Spoilers: up to Episode 3.14 Bars, Mars
Warnings: This is my first fanfiction
Disclaimer: VM is owned by the CW and RT.  
Author Notes:  Veronica Voiceover's are italicized.  As this is my first fanficion, I would appreciate all constructive 
criticism; especially in the areas of grammar, characterization, and lj style.  I don't know if I have completely gotten the lj 
style down right and could use help.

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