Weekend in review.

Nov 09, 2009 13:24

Friday night saw an impromptu gathering, under bad circumstances - Drool and Gal came to Boston for the weekend because Drool's aunt passed away. She had been ill for a while, and they kind of knew it was coming. They stayed at Fance and Rude's for the weekend, and we all hung out, grabbed dinner at Rino's in Eastie (If you haven't been there, it's a 10 minute walk from the Airport T stop; and the food rivals, if not dominates, some of the best meals I've had in No End.  I shit you not). After dinner we retired to drink beers and play Rock Band until the breaka breaka dawn...well, okay, like 2:00.

I did a quickie Haymarket and Foodmaster trip on Saturday morning, then spent the entire rest of the day on cleaning my apartment - it took the better part of 8 hours of organizing, scrubbing, tossing, sweeping, and mopping, but the sumbitch is fucking SPARKLY. And my art is up on the walls! There are things there besides the one giant clock. Exhausted, I laid out the essential instruments for the next day, because...

Sunday marked a very important day for me: it was the first day that I could sit down and watch the 1:00 game(s) uninterrupted - previously, my Sundays were counterprogrammed by Gorefest.  And, as the Universe dictates, of course, the lovely and talented joeybonbon joined me.

We had ridiculous snacks: I fixed up some brown sugar encrusted bacon, served over apple slices and topped with either bleu cheese (my side) or cranberry cheddar (her side). Halftime served up some monkey bread and cream cheese icing. At Drool's recommendation, I found some Dogfish Head Midas Touch to drink - a mead-ish ale that was re-engineered from a concoction discovered in the Tomb of King Midas.

Shit's good, yo.

Anyway, more than the food or the beer or the game is the most awesome, hilarious time we have as we watch. And, for reals, we need to start our own very colorful color commentary podcast or live stream. I am struggling to recall some of the more interesting gems, but let me just say that there was a lot of talk about neck tattoos, pocket hotties, bad uniform color choices, jumblie injuries, occasional screaming, how NFL red zone was disappointing, more jumblie injuries, end zone dances, Billy Dee turning Lando (the scoundrel!), the maxo-zoom-dweebiest QB in the NFL (hint: it's Peyton), the Mane of Polamalu and how it turns ordinary folks into Pittsburgh fans, and how we love the troops except maybe for that one guy in the front row with the Vick jersey.

And that was before halftime.

I truly do love football, and hanging out with awesome friends? There really is nothing better. That, my friends, is a WEEKEND.

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