Here are the rules:
1. Leave me a comment saying, "Interview me."
2. I will respond by asking you 5 questions of a very personal nature.
3. You will update your LJ with the answers to the questions.
4. You will include this and an offer to interview someone else in the post.
5. When others comment asking to be interviewed, you will ask them 5 questions.
The lovely and talented
raysimoto gave me these five questions...
1. What's the number one item on your "bucket list"?
To dance on the 50 yard line at Lambeau Field. Preferably to "I'm too sexy". And I'd be wearing a Cheesehead at the time, thankyouverymuch.
2. What three traits does your sister have that you wish you had? For extra credit, what 3 traits of yours do you wish she had?
This is a tough question. My sister and I are very much alike. But I would say that my sister is far more charming, and gets along with people very well, and she also just has this sense of serendipity that comes from positivity, whereas I'm more cautious and negative. What I wish she had? I'd like her to read books for pleasure more, I wish she would have lived alone at some point, and I'd love for her to get more confident powers of confrontation. She can do it, but she avoids it (whereas I kind of relish it).
3. When you were 9, what did you think "grownup you" would be like?
I thought I'd be living at a beach house with a tiger and a koala for pets. And I'd own a bar, and be a fashion designer, in addition to being a rockstar ballerina veterinatrian. And I'd throw great costume parties with my gorgeous husband, Shawn Cassidy.
4. What's the worst trouble you've ever been in?
Hm. I don't honestly know the answer to that question. I've never felt really "in danger for my life", and I've never been arrested. Heck, I've only gotten two traffic tickets in my entire life. Some of my past would be considered by some to be "troublesome", but I've never felt it was to an extent that I needed to stop or get away. I just got through it. Oh, Wait! I did get grounded for breaking curfew when I was in high school, but I argued my way out of it. And I got caught by my old boyfriend's grandmother, with his hand up my shirt. That was embarrassing. But she was kind of senile, so I'm sure she forgot about it.
And I set off the alarms at the MFA. Oops.
5. Football doesn't exist. What do you do with your Sundays?
Well, football season, compared to the other professional sports, has a very short season. September-December for the regular season, and then four weeks of playoffs and then the Superbowl. That already leaves a bunch of Sundays with no football at all. So, I guess if there was no football at allever; I'd something else. Most likely watch movies or take naps. Sunday is, truly, my day of rest, so it's not like I'd be rushing out to fill the day with activity. I still wouldn't go to church, though. No ma'am.