50 TV shows of 2009

Dec 31, 2009 11:00

Okay, so I'm not going to number my tv shows... or count them, anyways. I just thought it would be nice to have a record of what I've watched...

1. The L Word season two. Like: Dana and Alice, Tina (sometimes), Bette (sometimes), Shane and Carmen. Hate: Jenny.

2. The L Word season three: Like: all of the characters, a little iffy on Moira/Max. Saddest: about Dana. That was terrible. And I'll miss Carmen, so much. Shane was so silly... The Bette/Tina thing is better now they're definately not together, but Henry is incredibly lame, and I don't care what anyone's sexual orientation is, Bette is a lot hotter *g*.

3. Lost season four: I got so sick of Lost for a while there, but have become entranced once again. But, definately a show to watch in a few sittings, or one sitting, rather than every week, getting frustrated.

4. The L Word season four. Like: Max, Alice, Helena, Bette and Tina, Shane and Paige... I liked a lot, actually. I didn't miss Carmen as much as I thought I might, I did miss Dana, and when Alice 'spoke' to her at the end of the season, I maybe just teared up a little ;) Helena... was likable and funny, but soooo silly with her gambling. Oh and Jenny. Damn, that girl... I don't like her more than I like her... Sometimes she's cool, but mostly she's psychotic...

5. The L word season five. I am so over Jenny. I felt terrible for Jodie, but Bette was horrible at that relationship anyway, so I think Jodie can do better. Alice was lovely, as was Tasha, and I wish Max had had more screen time. Tina was alright, but I find it hard to buy the idea anyone would kiss Jenny's ass that much when basically, she is psychotic.

6. The L Word season six. What a ride! I loved this show, but tbh, I'm okay with it being over. I TRIED to like Jenny. I did. But, no. She's terrible, terrible. I was happy when she got all dead. Haha. It made the season so much more bearable, knowing the end. Although, the actual end, all the actresses catwalking along in the carpark? wtf was up with that? Lol. Anyways, loved this show, and was happy to see it finish on more or less a high note. Love Alice, love Dana.

7. Dollhouse season one. Let there be more!!!! Loved it, loved it so much! I am very impressed, and was really sucked in to this one. Love Echo, Adelle, Topher... *squees with fangirl bliss*

8. Terminator season two. OMG, no show did I love as much as this one. Yes, probably because Summer Glau was in it, but overall the whole story was just capitivating to me. And the ending! Oh, I want more, I wanna know more about this alterna-future thingy...

9. Private Practice season two. Okay, so this was pretty hit and miss to me this season, and the infidelity is not cool. No. The thing I always loved about Grey's was that they took Addison and Derek's marriage break up seriously. They tried to make their vows work. But there's none of that here. :( On the upside, that cliffhanger ending was awesome! I mean, I guess Violet's going to be fine, but what a fun ending to make!

10. Grey's Anatomy. Um. I am opposed to cliffhangers. Why must there be cliffhangers? Did I mention the way I'm opposed? Oh sigh. C'est la vie. I guess we'll find out later this year...

11. Lost. OMFG. I am SO happy I came back to this show. That's all I can say. It's been worth the journey and I'm looking forward to season six. :D

12. Bones S4. I miss old school Bones. You know, where Brennan would say "I don't know what that means" and she would be all investigatey. Le sigh. But not all bad. A funny season, if an about turn of the whole sense the first few seasons have. Yes, I'm bitter about Hodgins/Angela still being broken up. That's stupid.

13. Smallville. Season One. I'm hoping to have a lot more watched by the time season nine airs. It's a big commitment!

14. Smallville. Season Two.

15. Smallville. Season Three.

16. Smallville. Season Four.

17. True Blood. Season Two.

18. Smallville. Season 5

19. Smallville. Season six

20. Smallville. Season 7

21. Smallville. Season 8

In progress:
  • Dollhouse S2
  • PP S3
  • Grey's S6
  • Vampire Diaries
  • Glee
  • Smallville s9
On hiatus:
  • Bones S5
  • Heroes S3
  • Supernatural S2

2009 watches

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