Feb 21, 2011 21:29
The event this weekend was a lot of fun despite my illness.
My apprentice sister received an OVO (Order of the Velvet Owl, an A&S polling order...very cool.) and considering her work, she absolutely deserves it.
It made me realize a few things about myself.
#1. I don't go out of my way to be "visible".
My fear of putting my foot in my mouth keeps me quiet most of the time.
#2. I haven't done anything "WOW" worthy.
Not from lack of imagination, mind you, I just have other projects that seem to take precedence.
#3. I have to pursue my art because I love it, not because someone else might love it.
I've known this one for a while, it just seems to be the hard one for me because I have to accept the possibility that my best is only mediocre in the eyes of another. I pursue this art because I love it, not necessarily because I'm good at it. It's scary to think that I might not be as artistic as I'd like to think I am.
#4. The SCA isn't a race or a competition with anyone other than myself, unless I choose it to be.
#5. I want my Laurel to be proud of me. I want to be proud of me.