Hear that? The sound of a woman roaring...

Jul 16, 2006 14:01

Heh! So yesterday the Green clan all gathered (minus one cousin and my brother) to transplant my grandparents from their home of 47 years and into a 2-bedroom condo in a different part of town. With the large number of people and vehicles, we made pretty quick work of emptying what we could. My grandparents have been working for weeks to get rid of items they won't need (thus my recently inherited couch and dresser), and will probably still need to pare things down in the weeks to come. We left the larger pieces of furniture and the items that my grandparents will need as they spend a few more evenings in the house.

One of my aunts flew in from California, and the Indianapolis Greens (my other aunt, my parents, and myself) drove up join my uncle's family for relocation and a big family luncheon. T'was nice to catch up with my relatives and be helpful. Besides, it's rather a summer tradition for me to help people move!! :) It go me thinking about trying to meet up with my cousins, since I don't really know them that well. I also am plotting how to provide my grandparents with internet access without making it too complex. They've been using WebTV for years, but they went through one unit and the current one sounds like it is flaky too. Still brainstorming.

I hinted before about the changes that I have been making in my life. I've been trying to be more focused in how I used my time, from a sleep schedule to managing the evenings and weekends. Since graduating, I've been rather aimless. I had short-term goals, but my long-term goals were quite vague. Recent introspection and conversations with various friends and my counselor have convinced me of the necessity to be purposeful. I've talked often about my "Shiny" syndrome, where I'm interested in almost everything. The downside being that I'm easily distracted and sometimes paralysed by my options.

Instead of trying to do everything at once, or trying to choose THE PERFECT CAREER, I'm just going to try things. So I'm starting with my passions for writing and women's issues in the church. Once per week I want to publish something, whether on a blog (like last week's magazine article) or in a "real" physical publication. I endeavor to write something every day, but to especially hold myself accountable two write by showing something to others weekly.

I'm also planning to start reading all of the books I've been squirreling away about women in the church. Eventually I want to join the Christians for Biblical Equality Speakers Bureau. I love to learn, and while I've recently enjoyed listening to a variety of podcasts, I've realized that I can't allow myself to subscribe to as many as I would like. Or at least not listen to all of them everyday. I need to commit to educate myself intentionally.

So... that's what's going on with me. :-D

You Are An ENFP
The Inspirer

You love being around people, and you are deeply committed to your friends.
You are also unconventional, irreverant, and unimpressed by authority and rules.
Incredibly perceptive, you can usually sense if someone has hidden motives.
You use lots of colorful language and expressions. You're qutie the storyteller!

You would make an excellent entrepreneur, politician, or journalist.
What's Your Personality Type?

You Passed 8th Grade Spanish

Congratulations, you got 6/8 correct!
Could You Pass 8th Grade Spanish?

Your Driving Is is: 51% Male, 49% Female

According to studies, you drive both like a guy and a girl.
This means you're a pretty average driver, with typical quirks.
Occasionally you're frustrated and or a little reckless, but that's the exception - not the norm.
Do You Drive Like a Guy or a Girl?
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