Yesterday's temp job didn't work out: they were looking for a long-term comittment. But my agency called today with a part-time placement that should go indefinitely. So I can schedule interviews in the afternoons and have some income until I find something else. Not ideal, but I'm a sunny-side up kinda girl. :)
Sunday was wonderful. Last night I watched the series finale of Alias. I hadn't watched it in years, but it was enjoyable. So many shows ending: Malcom In The Middle (a family favorite here), Will & Grace, That 70's Show, others... For a person who doesn't usually watch much tv, I've seen a lot of series finales lately. Probably because my mom watches a lot of tv, I wander into the room, sit down and get sucked in.
It was kind of neat to watch the special about Oprah's Legends Ball last night though. It's been about a year since then I guess - seems so long ago.
Well, I don't really have much to say. I'll follow up with my lemming moment.
The Idealist
You scored 28 Extroversion, 82 Intuition, 65 Emotional, and 55 Spontaneity!
INFPs are quiet, creative, sensitive and perceptive souls who often strike others as shy, reserved and cool. These folks have a rare capacity for deep caring and commitment--both to the people and causes they idealize. INFPs guide their behavior by a strong inner sense of values, rather than by conventional logic and reason. Forced to cope with this facts-and-figures "real" world we inhabit, INFPs may appear to have been imported from another galaxy! They gravitate toward creative or human service careers which allow them to use their instinctive sens of empathy and remarkable communication skills. Strongly religious, spiritual or philosophical people, INFPs may see the purpose of their lives as an inner journey, quest or personal unfolding. More practical or rational types may tend to discredit the INFP's sources of understanding as mystical. The search for a soulmate is a preoccupation for many INFPs, who must balance their need for privacy and peace with their yearning for human connection. If there seems to be an air of sadness in the INFP's spirit, blame it on this type's longing for the perfect in all things.
INFPs present a calm, pleasant face to the world. They appear to be tranquil and peaceful to others, with simple desires. In fact, the INFP internally feels his or her life intensely. In the relationship arena, this causes them to have a very deep capacity for love and caring which is not frequently found with such intensity in the other types. The INFP does not devote their intense feelings towards just anyone, and are relatively reserved about expressing their inner-most feelings. They reserve their deepest love and caring for a select few who are closest to them. INFPs are generally laid-back, supportive and nurturing in their close relationships. With Introverted Feeling dominating their personality, they're very sensitive and in-tune with people's feelings, and feel genuine concern and caring for others. Slow to trust others and cautious in the beginning of a relationship, an INFP will be fiercely loyal once they are committed. With their strong inner core of values, they are intense individuals who value depth and authenticity in their relationships, and hold those who understand and accept the INFP's perspectives in especially high regard. INFPs are usually adaptable and congenial, unless one of their ruling principles has been violated, in which case they stop adapting and become staunch defenders of their values. They will be uncharacteristically harsh and rigid in such a situation.
Warmly concerned and caring towards others
Sensitive and perceptive about what others are feeling
Loyal and committed - they want lifelong relationships
Deep capacity for love and caring
Driven to meet other's needs
Strive for "win-win" situations
Nurturing, supportive and encouraging
Likely to recognize and appreciate other's need for space
Able to express themselves well
Flexible and diverse
My test tracked 4 variables How you compared to other people your age and gender:
You scored higher than 21% on Extroversion
You scored higher than 81% on Intuition
You scored higher than 43% on Emotional
You scored higher than 71% on Spontaneity
The Ultra Ultimate Personality Test written by
zip_adeedoodah on
Ok Cupid, home of the
32-Type Dating Test