new beginnings....

Apr 30, 2007 14:28

Yay for me!! I’m going to get me some of that thar ejamuhcation….. okay, done now, sorry - I had a Captain Spaulding induced moment. But the point remains the same - I’M GOING BACK TO SCHOOL!!!!!! Yup yup yup, happy Jenn! I’ve been looking into school for a while now, but for some reason, non of the schools I researched felt right. Well, last week I checked out Everest College (formerly Parks College). This one feels good. This is the only school that I have researched that my gut has said firmly “go for it, dumb-ass! What the hell are you asking me for?!”


A good friend of mine works at Everest, so he’s really been putting in a lot of effort to look out for me (which I appreciate, Patrick, by the way). I’m going tonight to fill out paperwork and hopefully I’ll be able to start class tonight. I’m beyond ready. The sooner I get that piece of paper, the sooner I can find a better job.

I had had concerns with Everest about the whole accreditation issue. Well, not to worry - both the school and the program are fully accredited. And even better - I will have no need to transfer to another school in order to get my bachelor’s degree. I can get my bachelor’s and even my master’s all at the same school. They earned mega-brownie points for that. Sure, I’ll have to get the associate’s degree first, but I can deal with that. It’ll be good to help me get back in the swing of going to school. I just need to figure out how many classes I will need to take and how many I will be able to handle at one time. Someone told me the other day not to take more than one class at a time since I’m working full time. My response was “fuck that!” - I would like to have my associate’s degree before I turn 30!!! I’ll probably end up going with two classes, maybe 3, though there are so many factors I have to consider with taking more than 2 classes at a time.

I’m so excited!! You don’t know how badly I wish I could go to school full-time and only work part time. Too bad I could never afford that. My only big regret in life so far was that I didn’t go to college right after high school. There were many reasons for it - mostly because I couldn’t afford application fees and the fact that I didn’t know for sure what I wanted to do. Looking back now, I realize that I wasn’t ready for college then. Who I was at 17 and who I am now at 24 are two very different people with very different goals. Hopefully my work ethics for school have improved in the last 7 year. I’d like to keep an attainable goal of a B average, not the C-D average I had in high school. Keep your fingers crossed. *meep*

I just want out of these bullshit jobs, this monotony of lowest-rung-on-the-ladder. I’m tired of it, and this job is becoming no different. I loved it 6 months ago, but now, I hate it. I do everything, don’t get paid nearly well enough for what all I do, and get this company’s equivalent of being written up because I was 5 minutes late twice in one week and because I was online (they thought I was online for personal use, when I was looking up pics of one of our ship launches for a magazine ad I was putting together for the VP of Business Development!!!!). I’m virtually the personal assistant to 5 different people. I can’t take much more of this. Patrick may have found me a job at the school, so that’s always a possibility. But I just found out from my HR person here at work that she will give me some on the job HR training. Oh yea, and my current job offers tuition reimbursement. Dilemas………
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