A friend was telling me about usenet groups the other night,
and being the focused individual I am, I of course searched Art History.
The results weren't terribly many, but I found a great webpage. The section I found most enjoyable was at
http://www3.sympatico.ca/manideli/for_students.htm .
Like any Art student I took a drawing class, and couldn't believe what happened (Better yet, didn't happen). The course catalog of course makes many promises about how you'll recieve instruction. What actually happens is they stick you in a room with an aged hippie who can't draw, tells you to draw what they want and then tells you to see with your right brain. When you don't do so well at that the hippie will become testy and lust for your blood. You can expect some public mocking, too.I realize this method of "teaching" is popular, but I hope for us all some places are actually taking measures to recognize what drawing is, how to do it, and how to teach it. I found this webpage hilarious. It's what I've been bitching about for ages.
Besides my tooth, I've been complaining about that lately. Some time back in April I had a pounding toothache. It was like I had a jackhammer in my mouth, so I gave the dentist a call. Turns out the tooth is absessed and I've lost a good bit of bone. I had a root canal on this tooth many years ago, but apparently the dentist didn't completely get it. Funny how my mom had the best neurosurgeon in Dallas, and he butchered her surgery. I had the best pediatric dentist in Dallas, and she couldn't manage a root canal. My only option is to have the root canal retreated by an endodontist. They're all backed up 10-30 days. You'd think everyone wanted a root canal or something. I went to one for a consultation, but the whole situation was dodgy. I got the feeling they were in it for the money, and observed some not exactly sterile practices. I immediately knew I was not letting that woman do the retreat. Stakes are too high. If the retreat doesn't work, I'll need an apiectomy and lots of nice extra work. I called the local dental college out of desperation, but won't be able to get in until May 24th or so. That isn't far from now, but I've been sitting with an infected tooth for quite awhile now. I'll just wait it out, and hope the retreat works.