dear yuletide author

Oct 09, 2013 01:36

things i like: character development, relationship development, banter, banter during sex, kissing, really hot in-character porn, family dynamics, friendship dynamics, found families, stupid loyalty, stupid bravery, snark, fluff (that's not, y'know, ridic), fun and silliness, shenanigans, AUs, cross-dressing, competency, backstory, pining that gets resolved, domesticity, cuddling for warmth, roadtrips. boys/girls who fail at having feelings. boys/girls who fail at communicating. awkwardness! i really like consensual D/s dynamics. gen, het, slash. happy endings. gratuitous historical, literary or otherwise academic references. basically anything interesting and in-character. just enjoy!

things i don't like: non-con, dub-con, out-there fetishy stuff, mpreg, deathfic, genderswap, anything ooc, unnecessary flowery language, and so on. i'm not a huge fan of porn for porn's sake, although as you'll see in my individual fandom details, i have no problem at all with porn. i just like it to be in-character, or relevant to the story, or something like that. PWP is AWESOME, just stay away from the kind of PWP where you can insert anyone's name in place of the characters' and it wouldn't make a difference. i just love my characters!

the bottom line, though, is just enjoy what you write and i'll enjoy it too. i'm not even close to as fussy as i think i come across.

hansel and gretel: witch hunters: hansel/gretel

despite how dumb most of this movie was, i'm still kind of charmed by it because of the whole siblings thing, which is a weakness of mine anyplace anytime. i'm not so into the ending of it-- the whole oh no they weren't abandoned actually it was a misunderstanding and their parents sacrificed themselves disney bullshit. i just want to read about a brother and sister who have serious abandonment issues and are completely fucked up-- they're cripplingly codependent and fiercely protective of no one but each other, and they have a lot of one night stands in the apartment they share, usually at the same time because they go out together and pick up together, and in the morning they interrogate the others' conquest over a terrifying breakfast and freak them the fuck out until they leave, and then they high five and sit on the couch watching movies all day and pretend they dont want to bone. and occasionally go out and hunt witches and are totally badass, i guess.

if you're not into incest you can ignore the whole wanting to bone thing and just stick with the codependent siblings theme, which is totally cool with me!

i'm also cool with either canon-compliant or modern au setting, although lbr, it practically is an au already.

the runaways rpf: kristen stewart/dakota fanning

id love something with kristen being super into dakota but not doing anything about it because dakota is practically jailbait and she feels super sleazy and guilty and dakota ends up making a move. like idk they're hanging out in kristen's trailer maybe and have a few drinks and dakota just knocks back a shot and pushes kristen back onto the couch and straddles her. and kristen doesn't push her off because holy shit this kid is so much better than her at getting what she wants. maybe she puts her hands on dakota's hips and says, "you always this pushy?" and dakota shrugs and leans down to brush their mouths together and whispers, "you gotta be cutthroat if you wanna get nominated for an SAG before you turn eight." and maybe kristen arches up into her and says, "i thought that's what stage moms are for," and dakota laughs and says, "i'm a stage brat." and kristen laughs and says, "bullshit, homecoming queen," and then sexytimes.

and idk, little details like dakota doing hw between takes and shooting kristen smiles every time she looks up and driving kristen a little bit insane, or dakota trying to convince kristen to learn some cheerleading moves (she point-blank refuses, obviously, unless shes had a few drinks and then is so terrible at it dakota just winds up curled over laughing). maybe some mutual making fun of twilight, since they're both in that too? maybe kristen catches dakota staring at her super intensely and is all "dude what are you doing?" and dakota says "practicing trying to kill you with my eyes" cheerfully and kristen snorts and flutters her lashes and says, "edward, oh, edward!" and they both wind up giggling a whole lot. and idk, water pistol fights! kristen trying to reconcile all the incongruous things she learns about dakota (like idk, she's this super sweet kid and really serious about acting and also about school but she's stupidly fun and laughs easily and unselfconsciously and she's super determined to get wherever she wants to go but also really good at kicking back and chilling out or partying, and it makes kristen a bit dizzy sometimes, all of it).

mulan (1998): li shang/fa mulan/mushu

awkward first dates! grandma and mushu in cahoots spying on them and trying to make things go smoothly but obvsly creating disasters! mushu being mulan's ~style guru~ while she's getting ready for her first date with shang! and maybe he's surprisingly good or maybe mulan winds up looking like a drag queen. awkward family dinners with shang! grandma hinting things about marriage and children, fully aware she's embarrassing the shit out of them, and hi-fiving with mulan's mom when no one's looking. oh god mushu giving shang "the talk," since mulan doesn't have any actual brothers to do it for her.

warrior: brendan conlon/tommy conlon/frank campana

so i could go a couple ways with this one. i love the messed-up siblings theme, and i especially love how much and how obviously brendan loves tommy, so any sibling-central story you want to write would be amazing. particularly post-movie, how they proceed from there.

otherwise, i'm kind of super interested in frank and his left-of-centre training methods. backstory would be awesome! i'd love a character-study type thing where he's gay and how he navigates working in such a "macho" sport. does he keep it quiet or does he not give a shit? is he the best because he had to be to earn respect? i'd love for brendan and their friendship to be included as well. gen is fine, although if you want to go slash that is MORE than okay. i'd love to read about brendan finding out and supporting frank from a totally platonic place as much as i'd love a story about them navigating a relationship pre-movie. maybe it didn't work out and brendan went on to get married/have kids? or maybe it did and you could show a different version of brendan's world in the movie. i'm not fussy at all!

i'd also in no way be opposed to frank/tommy.

as always, optional details are optional, and i'm positive i'll adore whatever you write! if you want to stalk me i'm @szallj on twitter (locked, but just hit me up w a request), and vlieger on tumblr and ao3.

thanks in advance, awesome author! ♥
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