heres my first livejournal entry

Mar 09, 2004 17:54

Name: Peter Sherman
Birth date: 6/19/88
Birthplace: Ballard, WA
Current Location: a giant floating rock (orcas island)
Eye Color: honey brown (apparently)
Hair Color: light brown with some bleach and faded dye
Height: 5'10"
Righty or Lefty: right handed in every aspect except spankin the meat, i use my right hand to change the porn
Zodiac Sign: Gemini

Pepsi or Coke: dont drink soda
McDonald's or Burger King: fuck that shit, its all about dicks
Ice Tea or Nestea: neither
Chocolate or vanilla: definitly chocolate
Cappuccino or coffee: venti mocha frappiccino, no whip. (drip coffee in the mornings)

Smoke: quit a little bit ago (THANK GOD) cloves are nice when theres an occassion.
Cuss: damn right biznatch
Sing: fuckin right
Take a shower everyday: usually
Have a crush: sure
Want to go to college: preferably
Like(d) high school: for the most part (that whole homework stuff bugs me)
Want to get married: later in life
Believe in yourself: yup
Get motion sickness: most certainly not
Think you're attractive: on a good day
Think you're a health freak: riiiiiiiight...the only time THATS happened is when i quit smoking
Get along with your parent(s): almost never
Like thunderstorms: hell yes
Play an instrument: piano for 9 years, guitar for 3, and harpsichord

In the past month...
Drank alcohol: believe it or not, no
Smoked: had a clove a long while ago
Done a drug: focalin
Had Sex: not in the past month
Made Out: definitly
Gone on a date: yup
Gone to the mall: yeah
Eaten an entire box of Oreos: actually, just a few days ago
Eaten sushi: ohhh yeah
Been on stage: kinda
Been dumped: actually yes. grrrr
Gone skating: naw
Made homemade cookies: eaten them lol
Gone skinny dipping: too fucking cold
Dyed your hair: just over a month ago in a public bathroom in california
Stolen anything: nope
Played a game that required removal of clothing: yup
Been trashed or extremely intoxicated: yup
Been caught "doing something": im pretty damn good about it, the only time was thanks to someone elses stupidity (no not you kenny)
Been called a tease: cant remember if i have or not
Gotten beaten up: damn close
Changed who you were to fit in: hell naw, be yourself or get the fuck out

In a guy/girl...
Best eye color?: if i was creating the perfect female, light blue or deep green
Best hair color?: no fucking clue
Short or long hair: longer, not a lion main tho lol
Height: anywhere between 5'5" and 5'8"
Best weight: what fits their body? lol i dunno
Best articles of clothing: whatever their style is
Best first date location: spaceneedle
Best first kiss location: same

# of drugs taken illegally: 3, not including shit thats been laced
# of people I could trust with my life: kenny, claire, and nick
# of CDs that I own: countless
# of piercing: none (i pierced my eyebrow with a safety pin at bbshoot once but that was there for about 30 minutes)
# of tattoos: um..
# of scars on my body: too many to count

you wish you could live somewhere else = i would give anything
you think about suicide = fuck that shit, suicide is for the weak
you believe in online dating = ...not unless your 40 and havent had a date in 10 years
others find you attractive = some do
you like cleaning = hell no
you like roller coasters = fuck yeah
you write in cursive or print = print

long distance relationships = relationships are relationships, if theres an emotional connection, so be it.
using someone = unless its a mutual "using" hell no.
suicide = beyond against
killing people = hell. no.
teenage smoking = psht its your life, live it the way you want.
driving drunk = anything past buzzed, no.
gay/lesbian relationships = go for it
soap operas = so fucked up....sounds like high school.

ever cried over a girl? twice, and for damn good reasons
ever lied to someone? yes
ever been in a fist fight? yup
ever been arrested? no but close

shampoo do you use? head and shoulders
shoes do you wear? cons or my hiking boots
are you scared of? big fucking spiders

of times I have been in love? 3
of times I have had my heart broken? 3
of hearts I have broken? not too sure about that one, none that have been brought to my attention
of girls I have kissed? tons
of boys I have kissed? one, for a lot of money
of girls I've slept with? just one
of boys I've slept with? literally, a few.
of people I would classify as true, could trust with my life type friends? 7
of things in my past that I regret? i dont regret anything, everyone is an experience that im glad i have behind me.

Attractive - sure
funny - at times
friendly - all the time
amusing - most of the time
loveable - yup
caring - definitly
sweet - yup
a tool - ....

5 letter word:
actor/actress: keanu reeves
Cartoon: garfield (we share the same bday)
Cereal: honey nut cheerios
Chewing gum: could care less, just not cinnamin
Color(s): silver, red, black
Day of week: saturday
Least fav day: monday
Flower: flowers are cool, not any one in paticular
Jewelry: my bracelet
Summer/Winter: summer
Trampolines or swimming pools: swimming pool

Slept in your bed: my cat
Saw you cry: madre
Made you cry: cant remember
You went to the movies with: nick
Yelled at you: mom
Sent you an email:

Gone out in public in your pajamas: yup
Kept a secret from everyone: yup
Cried during a movie: naw
Ever owned new kids on the block stuff: fuck naw
Planned your week based on the TV Guide: naw
Been on stage: yup
Been to New York: nope
Been to California: yup
Hawaii: nope
Canada: yup
Europe: many times
Asia: yes and oh my god i loved it
South America: nope
Australia: nope
Wished you were the opposite sex: naw
Apples or bananas?: bananas
Blue or red?: red
Walmart or target?: target
Spring or Fall?: spring by far
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