i am sprung!

Dec 06, 2007 10:02

got out of the hospital yesterday; I'm up at my mom's, which was not as painful a drive as I expected. (actually, none of this has been as painful as I expected. I think my pain threshold is more of a pain plateau. badass.)

the surgery took five hours! at least one of the residents was cute. the 2.5 days following surgery were not what one would call "fun." they had me on a cocktail of drugs, the result being that I was too nauseous to keep down water (or Percocet). then a nurse who wasn't even mine offhandedly suggested Tylenol, so Tylenol it is. (well, Vicodin in the car or for sleeping. I have lots!) it twinges a little more, but that's okay.

so yeah. I survived! and I'm planning my rehabby things -- leftie crochet (rlanto, book recs? comms to ask for recs?), viola for the first time in six years, walking-then-running. thinking about this in terms of challenges and new skills makes it a lot easier. I'll probably have my followup appointment next week, and then I'll know what the timeline is like. I haven't really worried about that yet -- it'll take as long as it takes.

I forgot how much I hate hunt-and-peck typing! oi.
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