visualize success but don't believe your eyes

Sep 14, 2005 19:43

I keep forgetting to mention that I'm reading a limited version of my flist these days, so if I seem to be ignoring you, that's probably why. The 2-3 hours I'd spend skipping back a couple hundred posts is time I need for applying to jobs. I know it's a little lame, but employment == money == shows == good.

My interview yesterday was decent. That's the word I'm using with everyone: decent. It wasn't a disaster, but I don't think I absolutely knocked anyone out with my divine computery skills -- I was too sweaty (thnx, weather) and sniffly (thnx, cold) to be really awesome. I feel like I oughta get called on the second round unless the rest of the applicants are stunning -- I sorta clicked with my would-be boss about knitting (she does too) and HP (her daughter's a fan; she asked about the details of TWH). The HR guy I met with is someone I knew vaguely from when I worked at the library, and I really would like to work at the law school, they have some cool techie stuff going on.

And weather and uncomfy shoes aside, I actually liked dressing up. For the first time, I didn't feel like I was wearing a costume. It was like I actually belonged in my suit? I don't know. Maybe it's just 'cause the damn thing fits now, and my cheap red H&M shirt is oh so pretty. (I wound up using the canvas bag, because the red stripes matched my shirt. I'll use the grey one when I wear black.)

I've heard it said again and again, but it really is shocking how little free time one has when they're unemployed. Wake up at noon, check email and LJ, apply to jobs, shower, check email again, and then head out for errands. wtf, I've never had this many errands in my life! But now it's print this, mail that, hit the bank (whyyyyyyy do I need to go to the bank, I have no job!), check my PO box (drool over the yarn within). For the last week, almost without fail, there's been a concert after that. Then I get home at 1am, check email and LJ again, and fall asleep as the sun comes up. It's seriously, seriously bizarre, and I wish I could be unemployed forever.

For anyone who's concerned, I'm currently running a batch command to amplify and convert the Franz Scala show. Cuddles to unrequitedangst for putting me onto Wavepad for all my audio editing needs, and to kfr (who probably won't even see this since he's been busy with work) for teaching me how to defeat trial versions. ;)

matt pond PA need extras for their video shoot the weekend that just about everyone I know will be at ACL. (Okay, "everyone I know" is an exaggeration, but it doesn't feel like it. I am le sad that I'm not going, even though I'll apparently still have a weekend full of music.) I'm, like, a staple of indie rock (are Franz still indie?) videos shot in New York now. rock on.

Conversion is almost done. Time to get ready to tag these suckaaaaas!

eta: oh and gentle easy-on-the-kidneys hugs for ursamajr, who had her surgery today. Soon she'll no longer be quarry (although we'll still geek out over Moz together).

bands, matt pond pa, work, franz

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