(no subject)

Sep 02, 2005 14:52

omg tired tired tired. I haven't gotten more than three hours' sleep any night this week -- uh, except the day I overslept until noon. Last night was the last showing of Revenge of the Sith in the city; the night before was the CBGB concert in Washington Square Park (Flava Flav! <3) and finishing the poncho I'd been working on for String, and before that, I was out all hours with a few of the SW nerds after going to see The 40 Year Old Virgin. Naturally I have all sorts of shit I would be working on (work is calm for once, which is good 'cause I'd've gone kasjfosidfh if my last day was freaking lame) but d00000d it's just not happening. I'm even thinking of bailing on the Sons & Daughters show tonight, which kills me 'cause I'm dying to see them, but they won't be on 'til at least 11.30. On the one hand, Lauren tired. On the other, Scott Paterson pretty!

NOLA... shit, what's left to say that hasn't already shown up on my flist. I've been talking with ursamajr and easlydstracted about going down in a few weeks to volunteer somewhere, anywhere, for a while, since none of us are particularly tied to the city right now. It's like... we were on the receiving end of the outpouring of support four years ago, and this is the time to repay it. I've got nothing to donate besides blood (which I do intend to do, even though there's a good chance I'll freak and pass out in the process). Of course, I have to try to keep that from preventing me from looking for work in the meantime... yay for temping and sample knitting, I guess.

I drank Skywalker Ranch wine last night. It was white, so honestly I didn't like it that much. Give me some cabernet any day.

I made a really nerdy playlist today - bands that I have seen/will see open for Franz. (This is my sneaky way of excluding the Fiery Furnaces since ummmmmmmm I just don't like them that much. I don't hate them, I just don't get it.) I don't have any Cut Copy, Blanche, Evaporators, or Oranges Band (which is by design except for the first one), so right now it's just S&D, 'Heads, Delays, and TV On The Radio. Sorta random, when you think about it. Namedrop namedrop.

lightstarangel is tempting me with bubble tea and sitting outside instead of being responsible and/or sleeeeeeeeping. evil evil evil.

vejgurl, notasecretagent, nasturtium, we gots to chat about the Decemberists show in Boston if we really wanna go for it. Not much point right now since Em is at Dragon*Con, but next week fo' sho'. The maternal unit says we can yoink her car to drive into the city, since the MBTA shuts down too early for us to get back to Salem. w00ty.

I put on the Katamari Damacy soundtrack and it's waking me up a bit, thank god.

Shutting up now.

delays, katamari, tv on the radio, witching hour, concerts, cut copy, bands, futureheads, whining, fiery furnaces, decemberists, nola, work, franz, music, oranges band, star wars, i have to fart, sons & daughters

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