Mar 09, 2009 21:39
So, on March 1st, I go into labor. For those of you who aren't from NJ, we had a blizzard that particular day/night. By 11:30pm, I'm pretty much fully dilated and on some awesome pain killers. They want me to push. Okie dokie.
Pushed for a half hour with little result. Noticed that Jayden's heart wasn't doing too well. They had to rush me into a C Section due to "fetal distress". Comes to find out, her cord was wrapped around her neck and every time I contracted, I was literally choking her. She had to come out.
But, she's healthy and perfect. A FULL head of red hair. She was born 2:15am on March 2nd, screaming her head off and already throwing her Irish temper around.
Greg is taking to being a big brother rather well. He is very interested in Jayden. He touches her gently. Laughs when she sneezes or makes a noise. He rocks her basenette and even gave her a kiss on the top of her head.
I'm doing ok. Mostly exhausted from taking care of two kids. I'm so glad my mom is here to help right now and have NO idea what I'm going to do once she goes back home. My only reprieve is that Greg still attends daycare two days a week. Monday, Wed, and Friday, though, I'm on my own. I know it won't be chaotic like this forever, but man is it tough right now.
Physically, I'm still recovering from surgery. The incision is healing nicely, though and you can barely see it. I have massive stretch marks, though. Deep, angry, red ones. I call them my battle scars. =)
Yep, now I'm a mother of two. Still wouldn't trade it for the world.
...and I'm headed to bed. *yawn*