Dec 09, 2008 15:29
So, I get a call from Greg's daycare. Apparently, they had to send a child home because that child had Pink Eye and they think Greg got infected.
Fucking fantastic.
I call Kev to go pick Greg up and he takes him to the doctors. Yep. Pink Eye.
Son of a bitch.
Why are these fucking parents bringing their children SICK to daycare when it fucking CLEARLY states that if your child has something that is highly contagious (Oh, I don't know... like fucking PINK EYE) or if they have a fever that they are not allowed back at daycare until the infection/sickness is over?
So now, we have to give our son eye drops (which he's just going to fucking LOVE*) *please note sarcasm, and pay out yet another fucking copay when it could have been prevented if the parent had stayed home with the child.
I am fucking LIVID. I am sick and tired of my son getting sick simply because some parent didn't want to stay home with their kid. It ain't fair or right.
I have a full fucking plate right now. Is it too much to ask to have SOMETHING go smoothly for me?
"De, what do you want for Christmas/Yule?"
For my life to go on the downswing of stress. It would be fucking GLORIOUS!