Jul 21, 2008 13:14
so i saw the dark knight.
i'm seeing it again. i have to.
it was by far the best movie i've seen in ...years.
how many? i'm not sure. but i really have yet to see, at all, a movie that combines summer action fare with a smart, meaningful story.
the joker is also by far, in my opinion, the greatest character to grace a movie screen.
and this isn't that new movie smell that's got to me. no, this is including movies from the past century.
i've never seen a character on screen and completely believed he existed. always in the back of my head i'm thinking about the actor playing him. no, not this time. the joker is real in this movie. and how he's grounded in reality. just a purple suit and some paint on his face.
he's ...plausible. he can exist. no chemical bath or hard to believe cause for his look and existence.
in his words "just a few bullets and some dynamite" is all he needed to become the greatest screen character i've ever seen.
oh yes, i'm seeing it again.
and my costume should be here soon. i got it all at once. the vest, the coat, the make up.
i suppose i'll go to the next fetish party. or i'll just wear it for halloween like i intended.
that's it at the moment.
good day.