Leggo my Logos

May 18, 2005 03:34

ROTFLMAO! I'm so the master of vague openings, veiled meanings, and, outright hidings of things in the shadows. Thusly my title shall remain, until such time, if any, someone is "insightful" enough and has enough "wisdom" to comprehend the true meaning of it. Of any of it. Hell, ALL of it. Hmm, now your thinking caps are on. Good, I like that.

Now on with the program shall we?

Numero uno on the list, is, well. . . I need publicity. Lots of it. Tons of it. So much so that I'll be swimming in it. I'm being left behind people. And not just by a little. Capt & Ashley, both on their way to super stardom. And me, here I sit with grand dreams of awesomeness that expire in shit. I can't say it's not totally my own fault. Because it is. Laaaaazy mofo. I just, I need some kind of oomph to my shtoomph. Blaaaaargh. (sighs) But enough of my less than inflated giganormantic ego.

I have an apology to make. One to the people who got it had it. Secondly, to the one who gave it to me. Aprilly, people . . . it pains me somewhat to say it, but, my Baby buttshaking AV from House of 1,000 Corpses, is no more. Yes. . . it's all my fault too. I was feeling a little moody/radical last night. So, I just, went haywire in changing shits. However I did keep Baby, in a way. Anywho's, i'm putting my new AV's up in some notes after the fact so you all can see the new ones. BTW: I am keeping my flashing panty sign, cuz that's just the shit. I thought about expanding, maybe, adding a flashing picture to it too, but, we'll see. For now it's staying as is.

I think that's about all I got for right now.

Later peoples, ~V~
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