Jul 18, 2022 07:00
- Mon, 10:39: RT @ Calderon08: Only an absolute garbage piece of “journalism” would consider putting out this stupid article. And it’s evidently clear tha…
- Mon, 10:42: RT @ alcontent416: Maybe I'm wrong, but last time I checked, countries with actual oppressive dictators don't have large parades of people o…
- Mon, 11:00: RT @ alcontent416: Meanwhile, in an actual dictatorship... https://t.co/ABbOXlUfHF
- Mon, 11:00: RT @ ConcernedPah: @ alcontent416 @ Scribulatora Not like when we had a real dictator. #cdnpoli https://t.co/yai7i6694T
- Mon, 11:01: RT @ underbite: @ BerlinskyJohn @ ConcernedPah @ alcontent416 @ Scribulatora Well, that sign IS distracting... https://t.co/Ef30WbWgct
- Mon, 11:01: RT @ underbite: @ alcontent416 It's almost as if they are creating 'problems' that they claim will be 'solved' by a #FarRight #fascist #Conse…
- Mon, 11:02: RT @ SandyWiseman44: @ alcontent416 During the last 20 years my work had me living in Turkey and Russia. You not only don’t wave flags, you…
- Mon, 11:02: RT @ JBradshaw01: @ alcontent416 Some people have absolutely no idea what the words, “dictatorship”, “communism”, or “oppression” actually me…
- Mon, 11:03: RT @ alcontent416: Wow, this tweet popped off. Please check out my podcast series on the 'Freedom' Convoy Cult of Canada. Very relevant to…
- Mon, 11:14: RT @ tomjbrenner: @ alcontent416 @ 1budhababy Nope, you hit the topic spot on. These winners need to sample a real dictatorship. Pick any numb…
- Mon, 11:14: RT @ marc06rules: @ alcontent416 these people need mental health services and education. So many who spoke on behalf of the group are clueles…
- Mon, 11:15: RT @ drmwarner: Dr. Moore quoted risk of myocarditis as 1/5000 w/COVID vax 18-24♂️ 1/5050 "reported" (may not meet clinical criteria) myoca…
- Mon, 11:16: RT @ sam_fujiyama: @ chriswtburke @ jspackma Care to temper your baby heart attack freak out tweet ? https://t.co/hkDAZEDpqL
- Mon, 11:27: RT @ Deb_Prothero: @ Jennife72257946 @ gnomeoffender @ alcontent416 @ Scribulatora Also weapons charges have been part of the hearings in Ottawa…
- Mon, 11:39: RT @ tamarajai: @ alcontent416 Their right to say 'fukk Trudeau's hasn't been taken away. They are able to say it and fly their flags coast t…
- Mon, 11:40: RT @ BerlinskyJohn: @ alcontent416 @ tamarajai The escalation of political rhetoric in Canada has crossed the line from free speech to incitem…
- Mon, 11:40: RT @ BerlinskyJohn: @ alcontent416 @ tamarajai Yes But. Incitement to violence is a real thing that leads to people getting hurt and killed. T…
- Mon, 11:51: RT @ BerlinskyJohn: @ alcontent416 @ tamarajai So it's OK because it's mainly just the PM? Unfortunately many MP's also experience harassment,…
- Mon, 11:55: RT @ tamarajai: @ alcontent416 Whether you or I agree wasn't the point of my convo. Only that the convoy protestors haven't had that ability…