What are y'all still doing here?

Oct 13, 2005 21:46

Look, this journal is dead. Euthanased. Preventively pogrommed like Romanian poultry. There won't be any entries here no more. No, not even if istoo made me burst into tears after I finally turned my PC on yesterday, and got an e-mail saying that istoo treated me to two more months of paid account. (I owe you candy for this -- LOTS of candy.)

As I did nothing but wibble for days while reading the truly overwhelming response to my Last Post (obviously not as last as this one), this was just too much. I mean, honestly? I really thought the entire LJ had forgotten about me by now. If I ever had a George Bailey moment, I had it right here on LJ last week.

*gets wibbly all over again*

But really, it's such a case of mixed feelings. Okay, LJ? I can't really stay here. Every single thing about LJ reminds me of a string of unfortunate events that occured over the past four months, of misery and woe. And my teeth are much less strong than Baby Sunny's. But you guys, you who commented? All of you? Of course I want to stay in touch. Or, seeing as how I'm terribly bad at staying in touch, let alone elbowing my way anywhere, you can stay in touch with me, for now.

It's a terribly selfish thing to do, and I guess I've become a terribly selfish man: but I've opened a GreatestJournal account -- same address, really: http://www.greatestjournal.com/users/vladimirsever/ -- and I'll be blogging about, well, the stuff I blog about. Or most of it. And I'll be just an anonymous nobody over on GJ, and I really don't expect anyone here to join GJ just so they can comment, so it'll be basically between me and my keyboard and my fat Samsung SyncMaster, as usual. But I'll be serving my brain on a platter, and you can take a gander every now and then. Brains I have plenty of, and hopefully this new thing will prove tasty. Just don't ask me to serve hearts anymore. Freshly out of, sorry. ETA: Oi! Gunther, of the inestimably useful trailer_spot LJ, has actually created something called "RSS feed" that y'all can use to monitor my GJ if you friend it in your LJ. I must admit that I have no idea how this thing works, but I do trust the man who can download anything from the web, so there.

Here's a link to it. Corrected, courtesy of Gunther, to whom I apologise for my HTML ineptness.

What have I ever done to deserve such friends.
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