There's something that I feel the need to get off my chest, so for those of you who like this kind of music, please don't take this the wrong way, and I hope I still have a friend in you. See, I've always had a sort of hateful spite for pop music, and the community that follows such travesties of the musical world we live in today. It's not because a vast majority of the contributors/singers do it for the sake of money, or for the fame "value" they earn out of it, but it's because they don't consist of any originality when it comes to making melodies. Allow me to give you a video example to show some enlightenment.
The Axis of Awesome - 4 Chords
Click to view
Now, I'll bet you found this both very funny (I know I did), and quite possibly shocked by hearing this. Reasonably though, it should not come to that big of a surprise. I'll let The Offspring slide on this one, granted because they're one of my favorite punk groups of the 90's (you too A-Ha, lawl), but really, if people could veer away from using these 4 chords, then they could have truly come up with something original and meaningful. It's things such as these songs (not the parody I just showed you, since that does not count) that are destroying the very fabrication to what we enjoy as listeners/performers. So too all you American Idol/Search for a Star/rappers (Yes, you're more guilty than anything else on this planet)/whatever you listen to these days, don't go down this path, lest you happen to be the egotistical, ignoramus, harping "gangster" poser that you are, then just stop what you're doing, and save everyone the grief and embarassment of having to hear another monologue of bling-bling, smacking up hoes, killing [insert racial slur here]s, or how hood you are, you're prooving nothing, spank you very much.
However, if it's for comedic reasons like my good friends Corey Bartnik, Courtney, Cordero, and last but most certainly not least, Alex Moore, then I'll let that pass. Anyway, that's all for now. G'day!