Supernatural fic. Angels and Dragons

Nov 27, 2009 20:15

Title: Angels and Dragons
Disclaimer: They all belong to Kripke of course
Rating: I'm guessing PG-13 or something, still not so good at rating but there's a couple of swear words and a m/m kiss, nothing more.
Spoilers: season 4 maybe 5.01
Word Count: 1252
Characters/Pairings: Dean/Cas, Sam mentions of Zacharias
Warnings: language and a m/m kiss.
Summary: Cas turns into a dragon and destroys a T-shirt, fortunately Dean forgives him.
A/N: I was just playing Dragon Fable RPG with my own version of Dean and I just got my self a dragon that I named Castiel and now I can't leave the thought of dragon Castiel alone, so here you are.

The first thing Sam heard when he returned with breakfast (a couple of cheeseburges with fries with a big slice of blueberry pie on Dean's insistence ”The apocalypse may be starting Sammy, but if I am to stop it I need my pie”) was Dean bellowing ”No Cas, bad Cas, you can't burn the AC/DC!” and that made Sam drop everything (Yes, including the pie) to storm into their motel room, gun drawn before he froze in his step.

There was Dean Winchester clad only in his boxers, a metal spatula in one hand and one of Sam's shirts in the other, where he had gotten the spatula from he had no idea and when he was about to ask he noticed what Dean was waving the spatula at.

There on the floor sad a tiny beige colored thing the size of a big cat with big black wings protruding from it's back and the biggest bluest eyes Sam only had seen on a certain angel before this. The creature seemed ignorant at Dean's yelling and just continued to play/eat/something one of the band t-shirts his brother seemed so fond of.

”Come on Cas, take one of Sammy's!” Dean tried to persaude the thing that still seemed quite content in sniffing and nibbling on Dean's treasured AC/DC shirt.

”What is THAT” Sam managed to ask. Dean turned to stare at him for at second before his attention was drawn back at the thing that Dean had decided to name after his angel.

”It's a dragon,” Dean said as if Sam had just asked the stupidest question in the world ”I thought you were supposed to be the smart one” he tried again, futiley to get the dragon to take the offered shirt.

”Well, actually it's Cas, Zacharias turned him into one just before Cas managed to expel him.” Only then did Sam notice the large blood drawn sigil on the wall.

Sam stood a second and just stared, he was well aware that his mouth was hanging open but right at that second he was not abel to do anything about it. It took him a couple of seconds to gather his thoughts; Okay, Castiel an angel of the lord was a frigging dragon and Zacharias had found them, but Dean was alive and somewhat well, and it would take some time for Zacharias to come back so he could get all this under control first.

”Okay,” he said while he wandered over in Castiel's direction meaning to gather the dragon up to check him better. Before he got so long he heard a low hiss and if Dean hadn't grabbed him to the floor right about there he would have been burned too a crisp from the fire that blasted out above him, luckily nothing caught fire and Sam crawled backwards as quickly as he could only stopping when he reached the wall.

”He doesn't like to be touched” he heard Dean besides him and only now saw that his brother was lacking one of his eyebrows. ”Right” he answered still trying to calm his breathing and pulse.

Both of them looked back at Cas when they heard a quiet whine and saw that his sudden burst of flame had completely destroyed Dean's shirt. Cas sat in the middle his head tilted to one side, eyes big and Sam would have sworn that he saw regret in those blue eyes.

”You son of a...” Sam barely managed to grab his brother before he would have thrown himself over the dragon and smothered it with his own hands, fire or not.

”Don't move” Sam hissed eyes fixed firmly on Cas ”I don't want to give him a reason to fry you.” Dean continued to glare at the dragon but allowed Sam to drag him back to the wall.

There came another small whine from Cas and he seemed to sniff the air before he neared the brothers. He quietly moved to Sam before he sniffed him, he wrinkled his snout before he sneezed sending out a small burst of fire that hit the wall directly to the left of Sam.

Then he sniffed the air slowly before he coked his head to one side and looked at Dean. He unfolded his wings which somehow seemed too small for the little body and Sam was reminded of the cherubs he had seen in one of Bobby's books about the Vatican.

The dragon then flapped his wings and landed in the middle of Dean's lap. Dean had his eyes closed tight head turned to the side.

”Sammy, he's going to eat me” he whispered. And for one second Sam actually thought that the small dragon was going to take a bite of Dean's nose before a small red tongue darted out and licked Dean. Dean gave out a yelp of surprise before he had to cross his eyes to look at the small dragon in his lap happily licking his face.

And then Sam could take it no more, he let out a howl of laughter at Dean's face, he just about manage to fish his phone from his pocket and take a picture of it before Dean could do anything to stop him. When his phone was secure in his pocket again he barely managed to keep breathing through his howls of laughter.

”It's not funny, Sam” Dean tried to say just as the Cas dragon decided to lick his mouth, practically getting his little tongue caught between Dean's lips, the dragon leaned closer so his snout was touching Dean's lips before he pulled his tongue back yawning deeply before he snuggled closer to Dean's warm body and fell asleep.

When Sam had finally calmed down enough to speak again he gasped out ”Dude! You just got KISSED by a male angel turned dragon” if looks could kill Sam had no doubt that he would be on his way too hell right about now.

”Shut up!” Dean muttered before he gathered the small dragon in his arms and took him to his bed to make sure the dragon would stay warm.

Sam brushed the tears of joy away from his eyes before he sat up and went to his laptop, giving Dean and his angel/dragon some privacy.

Outside a bag with two cheeseburgers with fries and another with a peace of blueberry pie was laying forgotten and lonely.

It took a couple of days for Cas to return to his usual angel self and when Dean had moaned about the destruction of his favorite AC/DC T-shirt one time too many Castiel pushed him up against the wall and kissed him senseless, Dean didn't seem to mind about the shirt after that.


fic pg-13

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