Oct 05, 2003 11:20
Holy Holy Holy shit..... it has been quite the long time since i posted. To think, just a few months ago i was worried that I would be the only one left posting, everyone else gone into the cyber-abyss.
Well, I'm back. School has been going well. I have actually been doing work. No, I mean like open-the-book-take-your-own-notes-re-read-them-and-memorize-them-kind-of-work. I smile at myself.
As far as the other aspect of college...kind of pissed. I have been sick now with a relapse of this summers strep. This time, however, it developed into strep/toncilitis. Nothing like living in Thurstin, a living, breathing cesspoole of germs. Hence, therefore, I have been really really sick for about three weeks now. (Thanks MA for taking me to the ER) While I have been out of commissoin, though, I have had Mara, MA and my friends in HOVA. I should have lived there...REGRET No. 1.
My classes are really great. Enough said about that.
But I miss NHP. Jamie and Amy especially. I didnt think i would miss it that much. And, I mean I dont really, but sometimes just the starbux moments make all the difference in the world.
But wait...i dont miss NHP, only the people, some of them, that were once there.
Reasons why I love GW:
1. Couldnt Cross the Street because of a Presidential Motercade.
2. Saw another motercase (some head of state, couldnt make out the flags) on the way to class.
3. Leah Grasso (daughter of the girl who's millionare father, exhead of the NYSE) lives down the hall.
4. I have a maid.
5. I saw Marine 1 come in for a landing durning my 005 discussion.
6. I have a moosehead in my dormroom.
7. The National Mall...concert, bookfestivall, protesting extravaganza's!!!
8. The CR's...yea campaign trips and internships!
Miss you all.