Haha, guess what happened today at 6 =]?
That's right folks...
Omgoodness, I had a blast.
Well, a bit of one.
Okay... so here's how today went:
- Woke up at 10ish.
- Jess was making garlic (ew) grilled cheese (EW-ER!) sanwiches.
- I ate a yogurt (bad idea) because I wasn't hungry yet... I needed to eat something.
- After breakfast I was being gay & I didn't want to clean my room so I helped Jess with her homework.
- Later, Mom & Dad came back home from massage.
- She allowed me to go to the movies even though my room wasn't clean (YAY!).
- Took a shower like... three hours early (I have to look good! *winks.)
- Then helped mom with the dinner.
- After went to the movies.
- As usual, I was there first.
- Second was Vivian.
- During the wait, we called Josh. (Who SAID that he couldn't come to the movies because he was at the country side. 'But he never told me?!?!')
- Lastly Travis =].
- Vivian wanted to take pictures so we went to the mall.
- But then turned out the picture place is gone.
- So we walked around & ended up buying our popcorn.
- We took our place (DEAD center! Haha.) & talked about stuff.
- Since we were there a bit TOO early, we talked LOUD! Which I find WAY too cool!
- Then the theater started to fill up with ALOT of people.
- Movie started & during it I laid on Travis' shoulder *blush.
- THEN we held hands, his hands were really warm.
- I felt so guilty doing that though because Vivian was just... URGH! There & well, I felt bad.
- She's the greatest =].
- After the movies, we called our parents to pick us up.
- Vivan's mom came first.
- Then Travis' dad turned out.
- But he waited there with me because he didn't want me to be there by myself. (BONUS!)
- Then my mother showed up & we hugged, said goodbye & parted ways.
Now I am home smelling my shoulder because it smells so delicious =].
Omgoodness, I'm a freak.
But today was one day I wouldn't forget =].
I want to spend New Years with him... hopefully.
Edited at 12:57pm (Jan 1st):
She writes:
Melody wants me to put this picture on...
Don't mind my face in the second picture.
I was surprised.
really surprised...
NOTICE OUR HANDS next to my head.
I think that captures the best part =].
After School...
WHAT!? that was sudden.