Buckwheat honey from Volodin brothers

Nov 26, 2010 02:49

Volodin, Viktor Stepanovich and sons (in the photo - sons)

Orel region, Znamensky district, village Selihovo. About 400 km from Moscow.

Volodins deal only with buckwheat honey.They have  20 "bee colonies"

Here is what Volodins have   written about themselves:
  "Viktor Stepanovich Volodin, Orel town native, born in 1944. All my life  worked as a master of rope shop for rolling mill in Orel. Married, two adult married sons.
Beekeeper with roots, his grandfather worked with bees and when he was 10-12 years old started to get interested himself.  He helped his grandfather in everything  concerning the bees and apiary.  Grandfather died, the bees died.
 After 8 yerars in school started hisown bees, had 7-8 hives untill serving in the army. After the army, studied, married and by the age of 30  went back to beekeeping.
His motto is: " Not quantity but quality," ie,there is no point having a lot of beehives, it is better to ensure that every bee family give a maximum of honey.
  The foundation of all - a strong bee family.  He achieves this by not allowing  families to swarm, in time dividing family and making a "double decker"  hive. Thus,  two families develop separately, but in one hive.  When going "to the field" connects these two families, leaving the young queen, and as a result  gets a strong bee family.  From such a family he gets  50 liters of honey.
  He has 20 families (for comparison: his colleagues have 40 families, and they collect  the same amount of honey).
. All is needed he makes himself: hives, frames, wax  in exchange for honeycombs, honey pumps, etc.
. With beehives he goes in mid-June to mid-August to buckwheat fields of Orel region fore more than 20 years. He lives there with the bees. "

800 rubles per 0.5 liter
1500 rubles per liter
 3200 rub.- 3 liter cans

Volodin himself at the apiary.
