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1) Now let's begin!
Name: Spirena
Gender: Female
Age: Fifteen
Section I --- About Yourself
Favorite color: Yellow! It's bright and pretty and makes me happy.
You love: anime/manga, books, animals, movies, friends, fangirling, non-canon pairings, food, sleeping, video games, writing, music, baths, the internet, my room
You hate: Mean people, toads (stepping on them, particularly... bad childhood experience), rap music, people who force their opinions on me, big open spaces, loud parties
Good qualities you think you have: Intelligent, opinionated, creative, hard-working, a good listener and friend, loyal, respectful, kind
Bad qualities you think you have: Loses temper easily, moody, withdrawn and shy, indecisive, easily stressed, insecure about myself at times, can be very passive-aggressive, can hold grudges
If you could change one thing about yourself what would it be? The fact that I get stressed really easily. It's not a pretty sight.
Section II
Are you outgoing or shy? I tend to be more on the shy side most of the time. Unless I'm with people I know or am comfortable with, then I can be extremely outgoing.
Kind or mean? I like to think I'm kind, although I know I have my mean moments.
Gentle or rough? Gentle
Mature or immature Mature... most of the time. I admit I laugh at the occasional sex joke.
Careful or impulsive? Careful
Do you prefer solitude or being with a big group of people? Solitude. Big groups tend to make me feel a bit awkward, although a small group of friends is always nice.
Do you get jealous easily? No, not really.
Are you patient or impatient? Patient
Section III-- Put yourself in the world of Vampire Knight.
How would you choose to "eliminate" your enemies if you had any? I'd try my best not to have any at all in the first place, but I'd probably try my best to just ignore them. And if that doesn't
Would you use someone in order to get what you want? I don't think I would. Not to be malicious or on purpose, anyway.
What is your ideal weapon? My brain, darn it!
Do you believe that vampires and humans can coexist? Depends. If both sides are willing to work towards it, then sure. Mutual cooperation and all that. It doesn't do any good if one side still wants to kill the other.
How would you express your love to the one you love? Lots and lots of hugs, and being there if they need someone to talk to.
Section IV
If you could become one character in Vampire Knight, who would it be? Everyone's past is so sad. ;_; Rima's cool though. I'd probably go with her.
Anything else you'd like to tell us about yourself? Nothing in particular!