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Name: Xinda
Gender: Female
Age 26 on Sunday...
Section I --- About Yourself
Favorite color: Red - typically of the Crimson shade and also black (yes, I'm counting it as a "colour" :P). Then, purple (of the royal kind usually) and white (see "black" XD).
You love: Wow, instead of likes and dislikes we have this? Well, I'm going to C+P my typical response for "likes" and "dislikes" for "love" and "hate" as it pretty much applies the same XD My friends and select members of my family. Being acknowledged and appreciated. Receiving compliments. Completing things. Anime. Knowing what goes on in the lives of people I care about (aka, not being left out). Swimming. Water and fire. Warmth. Having fun/laughing. Fangs. Pointy ears. Blood. Writing, drawing, dancing, graphicing (layouts, icons, banners, etc), sometimes playing video games, chatting, reading... Creative stuff. Helping people. My hobbies...
You hate: The opposite of my likes, of course~! Being ignored/abandoned/belittled/talked down to. Being used. Prejudice. Abuse. Being interrupted. Having to repeat myself. Being depressed. Anything bad happening to someone I care about. Being insulted. Being underestimated.
Good qualities you think you have: I'm creative, considerate, a good listener, usually good at giving advice (or so I'm told), stubborn, determined, loyal, helpful (so I'm told), and open-minded. I'm also decent at fixing things - provided that I normally am the one to take it apart first (or have already done so)... I also try to listen to "both sides" of a story before jumping to any "judgment"/opinion.
Bad qualities you think you have: Sometimes, my passion/emotions/heart will move a bit quicker than my brain or weigh heavier when I make decisions - not to say I don't think first, of course. Stubborn, can have a short-temper, low self-esteem, paranoia, bad grammar/spelling, always end up in misunderstandings/miscommunications, over-emotional/sensitive. Not asking for help when I need it - most of the time. I can also "hold grudges" if there's no "closure" on whatever it may be...
If you could change one thing about yourself what would it be? I'm torn between two things. One being self-esteem the other being my over-sensitivity. I suppose the second, since if I had that fixed, a lot of other things would come much easier and have a better shot of being improved on without so much trouble -- or thismuch trouble.
Section II
Are you outgoing or shy? Typically, I'd say I'm shy. Meet me in person, and while I am a listener as well, I am also shy and will likely not say or do much unless spoken to or a subject catches my attention. While, in the same sense, when extremely comfortable or in certain moods, I can be fairly outgoing - or at least drastically so in comparison to how shy I can be. Though, I think shy may win out this one.
Kind or mean? Kind. The ones I'm mean to are usually accidental or in playfulness -- or siblings... but that's a different matter all together (especially since overall I'm kind to them, too, but when you're with someone often, you're bound to have your moments). But, yes, overall kind.
Gentle or rough? Gentle, I'd say... I mean, at least overall. I do have my moments where I can be "physically rough", but it's usually one of those situations that calls for it or the other party already knows it's coming? It ties in with my being overall kind, I suppose? I'm afraid of hurting someone (emotionally or physically).
Mature or immature Both. I can be the mother hen or organizer and mature --- or can be someone who acts half-my-age and can have a blast (not that those who are mature can't have fun, too...). There's a time and a place and I usually know when to pick em/use 'em. So, a pretty mix of both, I think.
Careful or impulsive? Careful. Sometimes I'd like to be more impulsive to stop second-guessing things, but sometimes my being careful saves me in the long-run. But, I'd say overly careful... sometimes to a fault.
Do you prefer solitude or being with a big group of people? Solitude. While I may sometimes crave to not be "lonely" or what not, I more often crave to be overly left alone -- or just with select individuals/close-knit friends (or family). I typically dislike large crowds -- unless it's at a concert or a convention (something I greatly enjoy).
Do you get jealous easily? I used to say no, but it's a big yes. On any level, I suppose. Though, I don't always act upon it (at least not to where others may be aware), but yes.
Are you patient or impatient? Patient when I have to be, but also fair share of impatience. When I have to be patient (working with children or customers when I have a job or what not), I will be. But, if I don't have to be, then my patience is thinner -- especially if it's on something that's a "repeat offense" (though, wouldn't anyone get tired of that?).
Section III-- Put yourself in the world of Vampire Knight.
How would you choose to "eliminate" your enemies if you had any? Errr. I'd rather not. I'd avoid killing my enemy, but I wouldn't just let myself be killed by them either. I would see what I can do restrain them and then find out why they're my enemy in the first place and go from there. What can be done? Was it a misunderstanding? Can they just be locked away?
Would you use someone in order to get what you want? ...No. I don't like the idea of using people. Granted, if it's something we both benefit from, and it doesn't harm them any, then I can help them get what they want while also getting what I want. But, to just manipulate someone just for my own benefit -- no.
What is your ideal weapon? Hmmm. I'm torn. I can use the simple "words", but in Vampire Knight-verse, I'd need something more. So, I'm torn between an elemental weapon (such as magic/spells of one of the elements I fancy -- which are fire and water equally, so I'd have to go from there) or a sword (of the katana-variety, I suppose). Though, I suppose if I want to lower the chance of fatality, then the elemental-type would probably be better?
Do you believe that vampires and humans can coexist? In this verse, yes, yes I do. It'd be difficult, big time, but I do think it can be possible. I also think that trusting more humans to know what's going on would also help with "the cause". Though, that'd be difficult to choose, but it'd be possible (I think).
How would you express your love to the one you love? Wow, good question... I think I'm pretty much the same overall with someone that I care about that much more, but some people say I do tend to be around them (physically noticable) a lot more and will glance their way more often than I do with others (granted, I always look at people as they talk, so I'm surprised by this?). I'd likely wait for them to say something, as I'm afraid of rejection... The moment I may think that I care for them /that/ much, is when I might start acting different and hopefully not in a bad way X_x So, I'm not sure? I'd wait for them to say something first, but as far as behaviour goes, I may appear more jealous/possessive in person (if it's noticed...) and blush/stammer more... and maybe even trying to avoid them some out of not wanting to be too noticable --- out of fear of rejection? X_x But, if I'm already close to the person, I'd likely been writing them letters/notes/communicating often enough that I would confess to them in a note that would be normal enough but then have such notes like that? ---- I don't know how to answer this question!! T__T *shame* Take a mix of everyone in the series, blender and maybe something'd come of it? XD //lame, I'm sorry, I'm not sure... I mean, I'd already be loyal and kind and such positive things to them, because that's how I am with people I generally care about so...
Section IV
If you could become one character in Vampire Knight, who would it be? Not sure, really. There are tons of excellent characters. And, this question, I think kind of cheats with the rest of this and could influence someone's decision even further XDD
Anything else you'd like to tell us about yourself? Um, not that I can think of? XD As you can see, I ramble on... and on.
But, when you vote, if you could state why, I'd greatly appreciate it!