No Snow For The South...

Feb 04, 2009 12:02

Damn, don't you know that Fuquay had to miss the snow?? All we had were 10 minutes of small feathery flurries, and that was it! :(

I was late for school, not knowing how the other roads would be, and I noticed like 4 cars had a bunch of snow on them. I was disappointed, but, at least we got snow last week. :)

I heard on the news that MySpace had 90,000 registered sex offenders on the site!! They claimed to have deleted them all, but who's to say they won't make another registry? That's scary, if you think about it: 90,000 perverts on one networking site. (I'd be damned if I had kids and they wanted a blog spot on there!)

Not much is going on. I'm just chillin' at school, with a headache that won't go away. I've had it off and on for two days now. It's probablly just sinuses and stress, which isn't good. I've got two more classes today from 1p-5p. Ugh...I just want to go home and sleep!!!

Well, I'm going to get going here and eat some grub.


oh, I heard they had a bucket of nails fall on Saunders Street, the other day. I'm like, WTH? How can anyone let that happen? Carelessness? I hope no one got a blown tire from it!
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