
Nov 12, 2008 16:16

Wow, I've been here about two hours now, doing my online class and surfing the 'net. How time flies when you're online! *LOL* But, that's okay. I'd have just been at home sitting on my butt, or sleeping, one.

I was looking at the website and found some cute cookies to make for Christmas. They look pretty easy, too. Some are snowglobe cookies, reindeer cookies, chorus kids, Christmas trees, etc. I'll have to print them out tomorrow, since the printer is acting funky again.

I love baking in the Fall and Winter. :)

My head cold is finally lightning up some. Last night, I put a large spoon full of VicksVapo Rub in a bowl, poured in some boiling water, and stirred it. When I was done, I dunked in a clean washcloth and let it soak up the mixture (Be careful, though, because the water and steam are incrediblly hot!) and wrung out the washcloth. The concoction was strong enough that I didn't need to put the cloth directly on my face, but just have it near my nose and mouth so I could breath the vapors in all night long. Needless to say, I woke up, able to breath, without the congestion! -- I got this idea from the lady I used to baby sit for. She had a lot of great ideas like that. :) It works!

Wow, almost 4:30. I think I'm gonna wrap this up pretty soon and get going, before it gets dark. I hate driving in the dark. >^..^
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