Vote as early as possible!

Nov 01, 2008 19:58

Vote as early as possible!

We want everyone to vote - no matter how long it takes. Even if you think you know who is going to win - get out and vote! This election could be (I hope WILL be) the mandate our elected officials need to hear the will of the people. Dani and I have just come home from phone bank campaigning for Obama in Colorado. There are people who are being turned away from the polls there after waiting in line to vote EARLY. I don't say this to scare folks or to keep people away from their polling places. I am just saying that we should all be prepared to wait a little bit (or a lot) on Tuesday. We should try to get to the polls as early as possible. Know your state's voter laws and give your employer notice TODAY if you think it will take you exta time to vote.

Here is the California law (as an example) but every state is different.

  • Time: Employees must be given sufficient time off to enable them to vote at either the beginning or end of the shift, unless otherwise agreed upon by the employer and employee. Employees must make an application for time off at least two work days before the election if they know or should have known that extra time would be needed. Employers must post a conspicuous notice of any statewide election, along with a list of employee's rights and duties, at least ten days before the election.
  • Pay: Employers are required to pay employees normal wages for the time off for up to two hours.
  • Penalty: An employer who does not comply with California law may be fined an amount not exceeding $1,000 or face imprisonment for sixteen months or two to three years.

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