its been a baaaaaad daaaaaaay. *sings* *~*vp*~*

Mar 30, 2006 21:33

ive never really felt like this before.

it just feels sort of like a stopping point. an ok...what now? sort of feeling.

ive never wanted something this bad and been let down.

im sad yes...extremely...but its a strange im mourning the death of that hope/dream ive been carrying around for so long you know?

im also angry at all those people who constantly told me id get in no problem....looks like its my turn for a big fat i told you so.

o goes on. like shannon said...things happen for a reason.

i just had such a good feeling about cornell. like i was supposed to be there.

if theres another plan for be it.

in a few days im sure ill be ready to work towards some new sort of dream.

right now...i dont feel like working at all. in beginning to regret all of my past hard work in a way.

well...i guess i shouldnt say that. thats going over board. a little exaggeratey right now.

i totally just drove so far into merrimack i got lost. it was really funny. all the sudden i was paying a toll and i almost was on the way to Boston. that woulda been sorta out of my way to mont vernon. hahah.

see im already laughing again. good sign! sure ill have more to say on this pretty epic day of my life. but right now i just want to push it out of my mind. so i can write this paper. which im sure wont be my best work. but what can you do?

thats life for ya.

<3 vp
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