Jun 20, 2009 10:17
I made it back alive from West Virgina, minus one son and two days later than I had planned. Now all the at-home tasks are racing at me like a freight train. I am painting our bedroom today (hopefully), and spent yesterday cleaning, stripping, and re-waxing the hardwood floors in there. While I was away R took all the furniture out and apart (#1 son's room is impassable at this point, except for #2 son who finds it eminently hide-worthy.)
When we bought this house, the golden glow of the hardwood floors was a huge part of its appeal. Of course, once we moved in and I started to look at them outside the new-house, out-of-tiny-apartment haze, I realized they weren't sealed, but waxed. Depression and self-flagellation aside, I thought, oh well, how hard could it be to get them re-done?
You can stop laughing now.
No, really, you can stop.
Anyway, once I explored the time/cost/effort/planning required, as well as talking to an older floor guy who was familiar with the Wax Beast, I decided we'd keep them this way, and pay for it at the end when/if we sell the place. The floor guy told me flat out that I'd never get that color and feel back, that it was from years of buffed wax and age and polishing. And I like it. Then, after that decision was made, the hard part of the journey began--the search for hardwood floor wax and cleaners.
Enter the Internet, stage left.
Admittedly, we were lucky that the previous owners had left us their floor cleaner/buffer. An antique Electrolux, but still working. But no one stocks the type of cleaners and wax and replacement pads that you use for waxed floors. Except of course, online. Bruce (the hardwood floor people) and Electrolux continue to sell supplies and parts through specialty websites. The Internet is perfect for this stuff, niche markets and small suppliers coming together with crazy retro ladies who like the look of waxed hardwood. It's a congruence of net, wax, and wood.
real life