it has been two years (and not just in the last two months!)

May 06, 2020 13:05

 Since everything in the world is changing I thought I might go back to old journaling habits. I just can't get into Facebook--I mean I lurk around my friends and watch all the cute dog and cake decorating videos but I can't commit any thoughts there.

I am an essential on-site employee here in the lab, and although it was busy and fraught with purpose the first few weeks, I am scraping up things to do now. I work four hours on site, and then supposedly four at home. Eyeroll. We are looking to re-start 'soon' and very, very slowly. My work county is starting very slowly this week, with further east (and right) suburbs (where I live) breaking ranks so we can all get our hairs cut. I think I'll be rocking a ponytail again by the time this is 'over.'

I do get tested for COVID at work semi-regularly so that's nice. Negative so far. I might have had it in late January, early February. Was sick as a hound anyway with a hard time breathing that they couldn't pin it to flu or pneumonia. Just joined a clinical trial of sorts at work, and got blood drawn. Wonder if they'll test for antibodies? I think it's part of the rules that I don't get any information unless I test positive for virus. Then it's home to quarantine!

My morale is so-so. I am finally getting some things done at home (besides essentials). Failing at home-schooling, although the school system doesn't really want them to do anything. Elder son graduates college this year and starts his Masters next fall (hopefully). Younger son is a junior in high school.

I can't focus right now on new media, books or tv or movies or music. So I randomly binge old stuff. Currently Criminal Minds. I am heavily into My Favorite Murder and various other, mostly true crime, podcasts.

Really, really don't like Zoom. I find I can't get a word in edgewise, but it's nice to hear voices anyway.

Miss you all, missing everyone really. More later--time to go home to work some more. This entry was originally posted at Please comment there using OpenID.


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