
Jun 10, 2016 16:52

I haven't done many of the traditional relocation chores, since I don't feel like I've relocated in so many ways. It's like some weird extended vacation only with work. Or an out-of-state temp job.

One of the things I haven't done is change my voter registration. Honestly I was just going to skip it. I don't know, and don't really want to know, about the local races. The state-wise officials make me ill. My presidential vote will be a waste of time.

I've never felt like that before whether in red state, blue state, or swing state.

However I find I do want to vote for Hillary--it means something to me to vote for a woman at the top of the slate. But what do I do? Vote here where it's lost in a sea of red? Vote absentee where frankly it won't mean much in a sea of blue? Am I even qualified to vote absentee??

It shouldn't be this hard. Then I think of this, and think maybe I should find a way.

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