closing in

Jul 28, 2015 08:30

I don't think I'm ever going to work again.

There aren't many jobs out there, not in my technical specialty. What I've applied for I've not gotten very far with. The field is changing, too, which doesn't help. As well as the shrinking amount of government funding, the glut of college-educated workers, the reliance on temporary and contract workers, private industry's reluctance to fund basic research in the first place. I just saw a re-post of a job I'd applied for. They re-worked the description into something I probably can't even do.

My family seems to be stuck in the land of denial. Because we've kept everything going (and believe me, I'm starting to feel like Wiley Coyote running on air here) they think we always can. I struggle to whip the house into shape in case we have to sell quickly. Things keep breaking; heat pump repair scheduled for today. I've had no AC for days. Had to pull up the floors downstairs because of water leak from the heat pump. So it looks like a disaster area. The backyard floods every time it rains--drains need work. The clutter inside is worse as I've drug in boxes and opened them up to sort things out for donation or pitching. Now the opened boxes are stacked in corners, set away from the pulled up tile downstairs.

Started hanging around in junky clothes all day, not going out except to the gym every other day or so, and the grocery store.

My 'consultant' work continues but I'm more reluctant every day to sit down and do it. Why is that??

I think I will go buy paint this weekend and start on the doorframes and doors. One door a day. The one thing I've done recently that cheered me up was cleaning the big windows in the living room, Away with spiderwebs and dust and dirt! Maybe some clean paint, and a project that says 'Done and done' is the ticket out of this slump.

I've also been considering volunteering somewhere, anywhere. Just to get out of the house.

What say ye?

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layoff blogging, home repair, depression

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