The fireworks are exploding outside. R and I are drinking wine and watching a documentary on Antarctica. #1 son is off with his friends to a fireworks display. #2 is explaining video games to me. Again. You'd think I'd be an expert by now.
No news on the full time job front. But I must confess, I kind of like this consulting gig. Of course I haven't dealt with the self-employment tax yet. And I haven't gotten paid yet either. But it's nice to work. And the whole part-time, when I want, aspect is very nice. And I am appreciated, which is more than I can say of my last job.
I don't think I can make a go of it, consulting, unless of course, I have to. All still uncertain.
The de-cluttering proceeds slowly. Started into cassette tapes today and found so much good stuff. Silly Wizard! How did I forget you? Why do I have a Weird Al tape? Did I ever listen to that Nick Drake tape an old boyfriend make for me? Am trying to ditch duplicates (I had a tape player in my first car, but no cd player, so I made tapes for driving). Am considering a device to convert the tapes to mp3s and then ditching them. Found an old cassette player but that is so distracting.
Going through your life in boxes IS distracting. I keep unearthing fragments of my past, like an archaeologist studying a stranger. Things I'd lost, things I'd forgotten I'd ever had. I found a charm bracelet my mom bought me for my sixteenth birthday. I found a plastic toy gun from The Weapon Shop of Isher which I'd begun to think I'd imagined buying. My dolls, my con buttons. A book of short stories autographed by George R. R. Martin. Things, bricks which the edifice of the past is built.
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