update: all the things

Jun 29, 2013 22:00

It's been crazy around here. I'm prepping for the lab move, which is stressful. R is off to Ohio to deal with legal matters about his Dad, which is stressful.

Have you ever re-read something you wrote and not really recognized it? Every year or so someone reads Lennier/Ivanova and comments. This time I re-read New Beginnings and couldn't really remember what was going to happen. That is so weird.

I'm watching X-Files, Synchrony, which deals with cryobiology and vitrification and that is something I do, which is so very weird.

You want to see my new sink? It's behind the cut. Really cool.

I have been shocked by the re-writing of scientific fact in this country. The Washington Post had a columnist refer to the 20 week abortion ban as understandable 'because most people have a problem with late term abortion.' When did 20 weeks become late term? I started researching the idea of 'fetal pain'. One of those things you can't really test because there is no test. Didn't people learn anything about reflexes during the Terri Shiavo debacle? And don't get me started on fetal masturbation. The pol who referenced that is an OB-GYN! I loved reading about the real time stand of Wendy Davis. It feels very hopeful and hopeless at the same time. And Rick Perry, the Governor of Texas, gives me the creeps.

The CSA is in full swing. I'm behind, but not terrifically. I plan to experiment with bok choy tomorrow. And make three bean salad, although with the last of last year's frozen beans. And then freeze more beans. It's kind of a bean summer so far. Next weekend should be the arrival of sour cherries from Pennsylvania. They are a lot of work, but so transient, and so good. I harvested about a dozen from my little tree this year. And baked them in a pie with the last of the frozen cherries from year before last. Last year the harvest came early and I was in West Virginia the one week they were available.

Back to TV and a little Saturday night solitude. I'm sure there was more but my mind is frazzled. Work tomorrow, and single parenting for a few days.

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x-files, home improvement, update, politics, csa, writing

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