your random thought(s) of the day: watching CNN

Mar 11, 2013 08:02

I have not yet paid off my car and it has clocked over 100K miles and is in the shop. Again. I'm beginning to think people should get transportation leave...for late trains and bad cars, traffic and accidents. What do you think?

Any show that is going to have Laura Bush debate work-life balance is...unbalanced? She does have daughters (that's more than I can say) but I think perhaps she is arguing from a position of privilege? Maybe. I believe they have the Lean In woman on, or at least they are referencing the book. This is on CNN, which I am watching while sitting in the coffeeshop checking e-mail and awaiting the call from the repair shop. I have now changed tables so I can't hear what they're saying. Much better that way. Do all TV talking heads yell like that?

Now it's the Pope Handicap section of the news. The candidates should wear tunics with numbers like runners or race horses. Easier to tell them apart that way.

The Breaking News is that some Americans were killed in Afghanistan. Has CNN been under a rock the past 10 years?

Now we are on to Hagel's visit, Karzai's accusations, North Korea spoiling for a re-match, and 6 teens in a car wreck in Ohio. 14-19 years old. Now that's a story to make my blood run cold. Just approaching the 'can I have the car tonight?' years myself.

A-a-n-d we're back to Sheryl Sandberg. Good Lord, did you kow you'll get further along in corporate America if you make your work your life? They should have put that under 'Breaking News'! Now they've added the female chief something-or-another of Time magazine for another normal everyday working woman's viewpoint.

Jeb Bush is probably going to run for President. More Breaking News That's Not.

Knives are ok on planes but not shampoo. I know I go overboard on the gender stuff sometimes but which sex is more likely to carry pocket knives and which is more likely to bring their own shampoo? Flight attendants would prefer shampoo, I mean, they are protesting the knife policy. Who wants to argue blade size with an irate passenger? Not me.

I'm done fisking CNN people. Better check my work mail and see if anyone has missed me yet.

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the news, talking to myself, politics, feminism, car repair

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