10 o'clock Saturday

Jul 30, 2011 09:45

and I have...

walked the dog
had breakfast
cleaned the kitchen floor
started laundry
gone to the farmer's market

I have left to do...

run into work with #2
This can be today or tomorrow. #2 will hang in my office while I set up my new modular incubator chamber for mixed gas incubations, and set up plates for Monday's experiment which begins crack o'dawn.

run over the femgen entry one last time and send it off for beta. I roundly despise it at this point, so it must be finished.
This ended up more RPF than Sanctuary. Odd, that.

decide whether to post the last two pieces of Sisters Under Their Skins with the erratic POVs or try to fix that last section.
The climactic scene rather needs to bop around from Delenn to Anna, but maybe I can cut wildly and restrict it to Delenn.

work on babylon5_love month entry
All the pieces are there, just need to write a bit of exposition and pull it all together.

finish laundry
You thought I'd forgotten that one, didn't you?

wash the veg and eggs and put away
Easy, but necessary

make tomato sauce, generic version good for going down the spaghetti or chili path
Roma tomatoes were good today at the market.

Watch Zen on Masterpiece.
Rufus Sewell is just the ticket on a hot, sultry day.

A few fandom notes. This has been a week of massive fail in RL, so LJ's being down just fit into the general milieu. I post at DW and let it cross-post here but you didn't miss much. A few mild flocked rants. In any case you can always reach me there if the need arises.

Rizzoli and Isles has embraced fandom to an embarassing degree, playing to the femslash crowd with wild abandon. Their commercials this year have been..uh..suggestive? I have a mild girl-crush on Maura Isles, and I know this because I keep wanting to stick her into the B5 universe. This may seem silly, but since Major Ryan is already working with Rizzoli, my brain has crossed circuits already. Bruce McGill has aged very well, and joins the wildly-attractive-with-a-beard contingent. And I love the Boston scenes and vaguely Celtic theme music. And Rizzoli's voice. Well. It's..it's a bedroom voice, okay?

I have started watching Warehouse 13 for fun and the Eureka cross-overs. Cool non-stereotypical openly gay character is cool. Obvious inserts of historical exposition are fun, at least to me. Typhoid Mary one week and the Golem the next. Really, really cool.

I am also watching, with some regularity, Haven, Leverage, and The Closer. Masterpiece Mystery when it appeals and Waking the Dead when it's re-run on MPT.

In other news, JMS says the new B5 series is back on the shelf for now, but offered teasers to keep the hope alive. Am I the only one who doesn't want to see a new series with the original cast? Probably. I mean, guest appearances, sure, but not a series fronted by the old guard, or what's left of them. I suffered through years of Star Trek movies, trying to ignore the implausabilities, seeing the attempts to glom on new, younger, cooler crew members. The ST series did it better IMO, new ship/station, new crew, same universe, old friends showing up or referred to off screen. Even so there was a dilution factor.

I'm not sure I'd even want to see a new series, frankly. It's hard to re-capture the magic. Lightning seldom strikes twice.
In any case, not happening right now.

I am thinking of putting forth some more food-related posts; recipes, remembrances, maybe pictures? To that end I made a logo. Wanna see it?

This entry was originally posted at http://vjs2259.dreamwidth.org/224960.html. Please comment there using OpenID.

dw, update, b5, fandom, femgenficathon, rizzoli and isles, writing, babylon5_love, work, lj

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