Biting, Chewing, How Does That Go Again?

Jun 11, 2011 12:45

I think...I have a problem. This summer, you see, it is a busy one already. And this is what I have planned fannish writing/reviewing-wise.

review for beyond_the_rim
           June 19th (Roughed out, pics snapped, but haven't finished, and I will be in Maine. Eep.)

review for beyond_the_rim
          July...somethingth? 10th or 17th (Must look this up. Must watch episodes.)

           POST August 15th - Sept. 8th (need idea, time to research, time to write, and a beta for as yet unnamed fandom. Eep.)

babylon_5 love month
            Was this really set for AUGUST??! (And the panic REALLY sets in..)

I can use my Susan/Delenn piece for b5 love, I should have some beta'ing back and time to fix what needs fixing by then.

The reviews can be scanty; at least the first ones are planned, except for Strange Relations which I still need to watch as I have very little idea what happens. The second set of reviews I really want to dig in on--they need a real re-watch, not just a skim.

What the hell am I going to do about femgen? This is a ficathon near and dear to my heart; and I'm thinking about trying a new fandom on for it. The quote is easy; I could do a Delenn or Susan story standing on my head. But I long for something new. Two ideas currently, both Sanctuary. One requires a good deal of research/reading/re-watching; the other just re-watching a couple of episodes. Probably the second would be best, yes?

Going to start posting the b5 crack story, either now or in July when I get back. Any preferences? It doesn't fit any of the prompts :/ But it is done.

And I have an Inquisitor crossover burning the proverbial hole in my brain. That one requires some re-watching too. Maybe I should go back to my plan to give up sleeping...

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ficathons, b5, sanctuary, reviews, writing, beyond the rim

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