tomorrow, that is.
I plan a post a day from Feb. 1st-6th as a lead-up to the V Day thing at
no_shadows_fall . Most of these are pretty inane poll/leading question type things to (hopefully) start discussions. I had hoped to do some recc'ing, a J/D-centric episode guide, or even a picspam but time is not on my side. Plus the muse has been poking me hard lately and everything I see sparks a story idea. It's a lovely frame of mind, this creative ferment, but ultimately frustrating because I can't possibly write them all! Besides I have Susan/Delenn to finish...and gulp--that promise I made to finish my NaNo novel by May.
Porn Battle is on (how did I miss that this year!) with some lovely B5 prompts. Is it time yet to finish that John/Susan/Delenn threesome that's just a title and set-up scene at this point?? Not likely I'd get 'er done by this Thursday in any case. But oh, there's sparks a-plenty there!
I've only written two actual porn stories, and neither went over very well. It remains an unfulfilled ambition of mine. *mourns lack of porn*
halfamoon started up late, with only a couple of Susan and Talia prompts for , but I love that concept, and I've contributed most every year. Not sure I can get something ready for that in time either. Although one of the Dr. Who prompts is much like a started story in ye olde WIP file.
R and I are considering a first-time Crusade watch with commentary here at my journal. Our schedules are off-kilter enough that we'd probably watch separately, then I'd post my thoughts here and he'd post his reactions in comments. Not sure this is likely until later in February though.
Distractions! From Life! That's what I want!