Cheng: Final Upgrade

Aug 24, 2011 10:09

Upgrade Request: Ymir and Jotunn

Request Summary: A two in one machine like the Virtue and GP03: the Ymir is the heavily armored outer layer that is slow and bristling with heavy weapons, while the Jotunn is a well armed machine that sacrifices its armor to maintain a shocking amount of speed and agility for something with as many weapons as it does.

The Jotunn will be completed before the Ymir due to the fact that it's the primary component. That and the fact that the Ymir is a huge pile of bullet hell waiting to happen and needs MUCH TIME to build.

Robot Name: Jotunn

Robot Description: As mentioned in the request summary the Jotunn is the speedster of the two as well as the area where the pilot is located. The principle of the machine is to unleash hit and run attacks of a devastating magnitude. Due to its lighter frame it has to use weapons with less kick than what the Behemoth had.

Jotunn weapons:

X2 SAF-31C Cannons - A more compact version of the Behemoth's main cannons.

X2 SAF-05C Machinecannons - Dual Barreled rapid-fire weapons that are mounted at the sides of the Jotunn's shoulders.

X1 SAF-12 Chaingun - Mounted on the Jotunn's torso.

X2 SAF-23 Grenade Launchers - Mounted on the top of each shoulder

SAF-09B - A modified SAF-09 Rifle, designed to fire a higher calibre, albeit at slower speeds. The SAF-09B is also equipped with a bayonet, the effectiveness varies.

NOTE: Certain weapons belonging to the Ymir can be detached and used by the Jotunn. These will be marked with a [D] in the Ymir's entry.

Terrain Stats:
Land: A
Air: B
Sea: C
Space: A

Robot Name: Ymir

Robot Description: The Hulking Mass that surrounds the Jotunn. The Ymir is more a walking weapons platform designed to be the center of every enemy's cross-hairs and give as good as it gets. The purpose of the machine is to saturate specific areas of a battlefield with truly horrific amounts of weapons-fire. It is most certainly not an agile machine though and is highly vulnerable to faster enemies.

Ymir Weapons (Because of the Sheer amount of them, this list is organized by limb):

Left Arm:

X3 SAF-13X Gatling Guns [D] (Yes. All three Gatling guns count as one detachable weapon)

X1 External Missile Rack (20 Missiles) [D]

X1 Swarmer-Micro Missile Rack (Located in Shoulder - 216 Missiles)

X1 Shield - A particularly massive example of a shield. It is capable of linking together with its twin as to grant further protection at the expense of firepower. The shield itself is also an offensive weapon, containing two SAF-51 Rapid Beam Guns and a retractable blade.

Right Arm:

X3 SAF-13X Gatling Guns [D]

X1 External Missile Rack (20 Missiles) [D]

X1 Heavy Missile Rack (Located in Shoulder - 12 Missiles)

X1 Shield (Same as left arm)


X4 SAF-12 Chainguns (Central Torso)

X2 SAF-23 Grenade Launchers (Lower Torso, Left and Right. Variable Ammunition consisting of Incendiaries, High Explosive and Anti-Beam Chaff)

X6 SAF-31 Cannons (Mounted on Armatures connected to Rear torso - Firing position is over shoulders. 3 on left and right sides. Cannon has variable ammunition types consisting of Standard, Armor Piercing, Cluster and High Explosive.)

X4 SAF-51 Rapid Beam Guns (Each one is located on the upper and lower section of the torso’s left and right sides)

X4 SAF-42 Shotguns (Mounted on upper torso, two each on left and right sides)


X4 Rocket Launchers (Located on both upper and lower legs. 8 Rockets each)

Terrain Stats:

Land: B (Becomes C when shields are locked)
Air: D
Sea: C
Space: B
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