I'm sure most of you know of the live action Dragonball movie being filmed currently. Well, I just saw
the teaser trailer and all I could think was "They ruined Dragonball. THEY RUINED. DRAGONBALL. HOW DO YOU RUIN DRAGONBALL?"
Let me be the first to say that I'm not the biggest Dragonball/Z/GT fan out there, and I really shouldn't be surprised at what, at this point, is standard fare for Hollywood, but I can't help but ULTRA NERD RAGE at how horribly they raped the series.
Is it THAT hard to stick to the source material? I don't have to go on about how the messed up everything. I'm sure any of you that have seen any of the Dragonballs will know right off the bat what's wrong.
Aside from fixing the costume issues with the characters, here's how Wills and I think they should have done the movie.
Wills: Maybe Dragonball the movie will span 5 movies.
Wills: two of which is just charging.
Wills: That'd be pretty faithful to the series
Me: One of which is just Goku Healing.
Wills: So two charging, one healing, what are the other three?
Me: other two you mean?
Me: Well
Wills: Yeah.
Me: First one should be Goku eatin a lot, and doing zany things.
Me: Then goku charging and thoroughly getting his ass kicked.
Me: Then his friends charging and getting their ass kicked
Me: Then goku being done finished healing and coming back
Me: Those would be the five movies.
Wills: lol
Wills: So the whole quintilogy just ends with a cliffhanger?
Me: Yup.
Yup indeed.
[b]EDIT[/b]I just thought up of a possible Dead or Alive Dragonball double feature night that I could do when this gets on the internet.