Meme jacked from Aleksandyr

Apr 03, 2008 22:47

1. My username is _____ because ____.
---Since I've sort of forgotten I went with VJNightshade, I'll go with my newer online monicker: BadGeometry

In 3D, bad geometry is just that. For instance, having polygons with more than 4 edges in a mesh is bad geometry, though there are worse ones out there that I won't go over for the sake of brevity (did I use that word correctly?). It's nothing that will make the program crash or anything, but it is bad form, especially when you are rigging something for animation. You wouldn't want to leave it up to the computer which would be the best way to fold a 15-sided polygon now would you? But, to get to the point, I chose that name because it's ironic, people in the industry might get a chuckle out of it, and if you Google "BadGeometry", I the second hit. The first hit used to be some Second Life thing. It's free now... hold on one second, let me get in touch with the admins...

2. My name is _____ because ______.

Ah, Ouendaev. Brings back some good times. I was given this nickname but some in the WPI community (Shelli comes to mind) or AJ. I can't remember which called me that first, but whatever. It's a combination of a bastardization of my name (one which I wholeheartedly approve of) and the word Ouendan, which refers to the Nintendo DS game "Osu! Tatakae! Ouendan". I'm huge fan of the game (and "Elite Beat Agents" by proxy), and one day we were joking around somewhere and some called out "OUENDAAAAAAAAAAEEEEEEEEEEV!!!" or something like that, and it just stuck.

3. My journal is titled ____ because ____.

Used to be "Dream Chaser" for a while, which was the title of the song for Silence in F-Zero X for the N64, but now it's just the same as my new screen name.

4. My friends page is called ____ because ____.

It's called "Awesome People" because my friends are awesome. Plain and simple. :)

5. My default userpic is ____ because ____.

Also goes with my screen name, and is officially part of my online identity/branding. The impossible box goes back to drawings done by one of my favorite artists, M.C. Escher. I don't know if he was the first to create this box, but he's the guy I associate it with. It sort of symbolizes bad geometry, not so much in the way industry people talk about it, but more so in a humorous way. It wasn't the first one I tried though. I considered the impossoble triangle and the impossible cube initially. But the intersected box was the one that resonated with me.


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